10 Scouse Family Christmas Traditions we all know & love
7 years ago

Who’s ready for a proper scouse Christmas?
This Christmas we’re looking forward to a few days off, filled with gorgeous food, boss telly and spending time with our family and friends, probably arguing about Brexit, mourning the loss of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle and calling the Queen all kinds for robbing our hard earned pennies to stage another Royal Wedding……all of which got us talking about scouse family Christmas traditions.
How many of our Scouse family Christmas traditions ring true in your house?
1 – You’ve got to have new jarmies for Christmas Eve
And no it doesn’t matter if you’re 12 or 34, its the law. As is matching your pjays with a younger family member and posting 86 pictures on Facebook. Christmas eve goes something like this……bath, sleep-in rollers, glass of something bubbly with your ma, new pjays, an awesome Christmas film on dvd and your mum going ‘Oh go on babe open them Hero’s’. Fact.
2 – Christmas Eve Drinks
Prosecco is the standard beverage for all scouse prinny’s, stock up now because you know fine well those five bottles for £25 in the Asda wont last you til Boxing Day. Let’s get the party started (in your pjays of course).
3 – Going the pub with your Dad/Brother/Uncle/Grandad on Christmas Day
The men in scouse families know their place. Having opened pressies and dished up the Christmas day full English, they don their new shirt or jumper and head down the pub for a swift pint…..that turns into a few more and getting back late for the dinner, causing murder with your mum. Check out 11 pubs open this Christmas Day in Liverpool here.
4 – Getting Dolled Up for Christmas Day
We all know that Scouse girls like to dress to impress and Christmas Day is no excuse to look like a slob. So what if the furthest you go is to carry bottle bags from your Uncle Dave’s car into the house, or if you’re confined to strutting around your nan’s conservatory in your new KG heels, you still need to put on your best outfit, wear your longest lashes and get those curls bouncier than ever! Lads, stick a shirt on will yer?!
5 – We R Family
Scousers have HUGE families and every uncle and his dog comes around for their Christmas dinner. Watch those pigs in blankets don’t magically disappear as you haul in your own chair and squeeze in around the mis- matched tables than span the front bay window to the conversatory! The patio table even gets a call up from the back of the shed when your aunty Anne decides to come round last minute. She best have trifle!
6 – Guess the Argument Topic
Forget family tetris and play a better game, once everyone is seated, try and guess who is going to kick off first, because in scouse families, there’s nearly always an argument over Christmas dinner. Either someone hasn’t got a Christmas hat, you’ve run out of crackers or someone’s had too many bevvies and wants to kick off! Take cover in the kitchen with your cool cousins, they know the score!
7 – Boxing Day Repeat
Because you didn’t have enough of them yesterday, scouse families also get together on Boxing Day, but with the assortment of tables and chairs back where they belong, the pub is the place to be! Buzzing off your dad in his best shirt and jeans for the sake of walking (yep walking, no one is getting a Delta on Boxing Day) five minutes down the road for a few bevs with your uncles, knowing fine well he’ll come home bladdered asking your mum for a turkey butty! For some, yet more new jarmies and a Boxing Day film with a little glass of Baileys is the one!
8 – Turkey Curry, Scouse or bust?
Another Boxing Day tradition in Liverpool is using the leftovers from your Christmas Dinner to make a nice big pan of curry of scouse. The thing is though, is it really scouse? Because isn’t scouse supposed to be just meat and potatoes and gravy?……and before you know it you’ve started another Christmas argument! Just make sure there’s plenty of crusty bread in or things will really get out of hand!
9 – Going the Match on Boxing Day
Whether you’re a red or blue, watching the footie on Boxing Day is a big scouse tradition. Alright so it’s completely freezing and you’ll have to walk or get a lift because public transport is useless around this time of year, but if the red men can turn out for a premier league kick around, you can work off that Christmas dinner spurring them on. Oh and also, you will literally never see more brand-spanking new trainees in one place than in the stands around the North West on Boxing Day. Sick Adidas them lad!
10 – Boxing Night Parties
Having lined your stomach with more bleedin left-over scouse and wanded your hair to within an inch of its life (made up getting that GHD styler on Christmas Eve) it’s time to hit the clubs as the city comes alive again! Throw caution into the wind and wear those HUGE heels to the Stardust Liverpool Disco, knowing fine well you’ll be carrying them through Tuebrook at 3am when there’s no taxi’s and you danced your little curls off in CIRCO so much you can barely walk. Ahh Boxing Nights out are the one!