10 Scouse tracks that would’ve wowed the world at EuroVision
8 years ago

Good Evening Eurovision, this is Liverpool calling!
We love a bit of cheesy Euro pop here at The Guide Liverpool and what better time to celebrate all things musically-bonkers than at Eurovision? The grand final is beamed live from Kyiv, Ukraine tonight (Saturday 13th May 2017) and we cant wait for the banging tunes, the costumes, the tears and sulks and of course, the sarky comments Graham Norton!

Photo Credit: Thomas Hanses
Admittedly the UK doesn’t have a great record when it comes to Eurovision success. With just five victories under our belt in more than 30 years of warbling (can you name all 5…scroll down for answers) the UK has got a bit of leg work to do to catch up with overall leaders, Ireland (who’ve won 7 Eurovision titles).
This year our hopes are pinned on singer and former X Factor finalist, Lucie Jones and her entry ‘Never Give Up on You’. It’s a slowy with great potential to be remixed as a dance track, and we’ve got everything crossed for swerving another ‘nil points’ result.
We think it might be about time to stage another scouse invasion and wipe the catastrophe that was Gemini off the score board once and for all. We’ve had a scroll though our fave cheesey scouse tracks that tick all the boxes. From cute boybands, epic dance routines, questionable outfits, pumping dance beats and sing-along lyrics…..
Here’s 10 scouse tracks that would’ve wowed the world at Eurovision
Atomic Kitten, Right Now
Can you believe it’s been 17 years since this absolute gem was released? The totally lovable Liz McLarnon, Natasha Hamilton and original band member Kerry Katona would definitely have mixed things up in Kyiv! Shiny, baggy kecks are optional.
Sonia, Be Young Be Foolish, Be Happy
We’re pretty sure this entire video was shot with a Snapchat filter?! Anyway, from baggy kecks to stripey ones and 90’s tastic caps and chunky jewellery, who could dislike Sonia’s encouraging words of wisdom and catchy tune? Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy and Win us a few points eh?
Dead or Alive, You Spin Me Right Round
Supporting this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate Diversity’ Dead or Alive would absolutely top the leader board with ‘You Spin Me Right Round’ and all it’s glitter-ball madness. From diamante eye patches to oriental style costumes and boss dance moves, Europe would definitely remember this one!
Sugababes, About You Now
If all else fails, three hotties and a great dance beat should get us a few points on the board! Okay so the Sugababes aren’t all scouse, but Heidi Range can certainly fly the flag for Merseyside with this one. All together now…..’Can we bring yesterday back arrrrouuunndd’
911, Bodyshakin
One for the teeny boppers here, who remembers 911? They knocked our teenage socks off with Body Shaking and it’s er energetic dance routine. Regulars on Top of the Pops and Saturday morning kids tv, the cheeky 911 chaps would win over the younger Eurovision votes, no doubt.
UltraBeat, Pretty Green Eyes
If there’s one thing Eurovision loves, its a banging beat, and scouse legends, Ultrabeat would be in with a serious chance of topping the chart with Pretty Green Eyes. The lyrics are easily translatable, the light show would be insanely good, and basically its a tune, isn’t it?
BB Mak, Back Here
Who can resist the beautiful vocals of BB Mak? This emotional, slowy has the potential to be a winner as the guys pour their hearts out for forgiveness. They’re singers, they’re musicians and they can belt out a harmony! Band mates Christian, Stephen and Mark could’ve had Europe eating out of the palm of their hands!
Atomic Kitten, Tide is High
Our favourite kittens get another spot on our run down because not only were they a great laugh, they also covered Tide Is High and made it a summer track all over again in 2002 when Natasha was preggers! Giving new band member, Jenny Frost a go at Euovision glory, we couldn’t miss this one out.
Cilla Black, Anyone Who Had A Heart
We can’t not chuck in the biggest selling single by a British and more importantly, Scouse female singer? Cilla Black wowed the world when that HUGE voice came out of such a tiny frame and her scouse charm shone on everyone she met. Eurovision would’ve crowned her a queen without shadow of a doubt.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Two Tribes
There’s always a bit of political drama at Eurovision, and we’d like to put forward this former number one, 80’s anthem, Two Tribes by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Staged just like the original video, this 1984 track would certainly ruffle a few feathers over on the continent. But would it score us a win?
Test Your Knowledge! Did you guess all 5 UK winners? 1967 Sandie Shaw, 1969 Lulu, Boom Bang-a-Bang, 1976 Brotherhood of Man, Save Your Kisses for Me, 1981 Bucks Fizz, Making Your Mind Up, 1997 Katrina and the Waves, Love Shine a Light.