10 Scouse Wedding Traditions every Scouse Bride & Groom need to know
9 years ago

Our bars and clubs are bursting with hen and stag do’s every weekend and alongside a whole host of stunning venues for the big day itself, we’re rapidly becoming the city of love, awwwwww.
Once the partying is done, the nerves and traditions kick in and our love birds don’t do things by half!
We’ve rounded up the top ten big day moments that truly make a scouse wedding…
- First of all, if you’re leaving for your wedding venue from your mum’s, the hall and living room need redecorating in plenty of time. We don’t know why, there’s nothing wrong with the magnolia and feature wall chimney breast she’s had for the last 12 months but it’s got to be done. Spare a thought for your dad eh, he’s got to pay for that as well.
- Us Scousers love our superstitions and a big old dose of good fortune for your big day, and future never goes a miss. As a bride its highly likely the females in your family will insist you have something blue pinned to your gown, or a lucky horseshoe on a ribbon around your wrist, or a St Christopher in your bouquet. As a groom, just turn up, not pissed.
- People start crying quite early on in the day. Whether it’s your mum because she can’t believe her little boy has found the woman/man of his dreams (and more importantly they’re not a crank like all the others) or your dad who’s never seen his princess looking so stunning in her white sparkly gown (and for once she’s not asking for a lift or £20)
- Which brings us swiftly on to transport. Horse and cart is out and super cars are in! With vintage double decker buses transporting guests between venues and grooms arriving via Lamborghini, our brides have opted for elegant Rolls Royce and Aston Martin motors. As much as its nice for Colin up the road to offer his 2005 Mondeo estate, it’s just not the same is it?
- If you’re going to make people cry, do it with a dress! Liverpool is the home of Big Fat Gypsy Wedding dress designer, Thelma Madine, and you might think that we’re all in the mind-set of the ‘bigger the better’ but you’d be wrong! As trend leaders in high street fashion, our girls set the bar in wedding gowns too. With stunning, sleek, crystal encrusted column dresses and 1950’s style full skirt gowns, our bridal stockists, city wide have a dress to suit everyone and we love being centre of attention.
- Someone will always have one too many before the ceremony, we’re not talking dutch courage, this is more like drooling into your melon starter at the wedding breakfast at 2pm while the rest of the table take pics for Instagram. Why? Because its tradition, someone has to step up and tick the box. Just don’t let it be you!
- The best man at scouse weddings is not a role for the faint hearted. After watching that epic video of Busted singer, Tom Fletcher full on serenading his new wife with a kid’s choir and backing track and doves and a unicorn (may as well have been) brides around the country held out for speeches of epic proportions. Getting the groom to the church isn’t enough anymore. Luckily scouse humour has everyone in pleats and this is our current favourite! Check out scouser Chris Horrocks
- Scouse wedding cakes cost about a million pounds on average (slight exaggeration). Don’t get us wrong, most of them are absolutely worth it, take hours of careful planning, decorating and the dreaded transportation to the venue, and our city creative cake bakers are among the best. One question though, who actually eats it? Your mum, because she likely paid towards it and of course your nan and granddad. That’s it.
- Your aunties will turn up for the evening do with bottle bags and you know fine well that whatever is inside it is not for you and your betrothed. That bad boy is getting stashed under the table and they’re buying coke and lemonade all evening.
- The first dance can go one of two ways. Either it’s infiltrated by small children taking the mick out of your new hubby’s dodgy dance moves and after 30 seconds of awkward shuffling you invite all your couple mates to join in and relieve the embarrassment. Or, you box clever and mock up some hilarious David Brent style dance routine which will have everyone in fits of laughter thus avoiding awkward shuffling. No brainer!
We absolutely love a scouse wedding, bladdered guests, crying parents, naughty kids, the lot. Wishing all the couples getting hitched this wedding season, all the very best of luck……and send us some left over cake…..you’ll have loads!