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12 Scouse words and phrases that will never get old

7 years ago

12 Scouse words and phrases that will never get old

Listen right, we’re not being funny but if youse don’t know dese scouse werds you must be a wool or suttin.

If you take the time to listen to visitors to our fair city, or read the thousands of TripAdvisor reviews of Liverpool bars, hotels, restaurants, match-day atmosphere and the like, the overriding response is a genuine love for our ‘have a laugh’ attitude towards life…once you’ve worked out what the hell we’re saying!

MORE: Get the latest food, drink and nightlife news for Liverpool here.

The Scouse accent can be as ‘tick’ as mud or just a slight twang depending on where in Merseyside you live and as the English language continues to evolve with new words, Liverpool will always put its on stamp on them. Sound lad!

We love asking Liverpool tourists to have a go at our accent and we’re proper proud to send them home with an ‘Is Right lad’, even after just one day. From the tour guides to the women in the chippy and the cabbies, we’re keeping it scouse.

Here’s 12 Scouse words and sayings we love….

1 – Queen

One for the old school scousers but its making a comeback! There’s nothing more lovely than hearing your nan, mum, aunties and basically any woman older than you, call you Queen. What a privilege.

2 – Me Mum and R Baby

It’s not possible to simply say…’yes mum will have a glass of prosecco too’ in scouse. It’s more like ‘Me mum said she’ll have a glass of prosecco as well’. And Our Baby! ‘Awww have you seen our baby in her new school uniform?’ ‘Did you see our baby dressed as a pumpkin for Halloween.’ We truly take ownership of out family, that’s what we call love.

MORE: Love your culture? Here’s all of Liverpool’s latest culture news

3 – Boss/Sound

If something is good, it used to be ‘gear’ in Liverpool. But for anyone under the age of 40, it’s boss or sound. Never gets old, never goes out of fashion. Its just boss.

4 – Bevvy

The vast majority of people enjoy a drink and why waste valuable drinking time by harking back to Dickensian England with language like to ask ‘would thou desire a beverage? Point at your mate and shout Bevvy while doing the hand gesture of taking a swig. Simples.

5 – G’wed

Shortened slang for ‘go ahead’ this term can be used to literally tell someone to g’wed, but also as a kinda high five when someone has done something or achieved something boss (see point 3). G’wed Girl! Lost 3lbs in Slimming Werld hasn’t she! Boss!

6 – Made Up

Ahhh we’re made up you’re reading this article about all things scouse you know. Being made up is the best thing ever. All good news should be met with ‘Ahhh I’m made up for you’. Winning an Oscar, remembering your ÂŁ1 for an Asda trolley or even putting your bins out on the right day after a bank holiday. Made up.

7 – Geggin’ In

Lad, it’s none of your business, stop gegging in. Urgh, gegs though. There’s always one in your workplace, sticks their nose in, and tbf, nan’s are a boss gegs too. Always get the final say in family arguments.

MORE: All the latest music news for Liverpool is here

8 – Soft Lad

An affectionate term used to call out any male who doesn’t something stupid, but you still love them and don’t want to quite resort to point 9 below.

9 – Gobshite

A term used for anyone who annoys you……sometimes just breathing is bad enough. Used by all generations and will never get old. ‘You’re well rid of him babe, pure gobshite’. Say no more.

10 – Ya Wha?

Pardon just doesn’t wash this far north. Not hearing someone, or hearing and not believing they’ve just had the audacity to say it, is routinely met with, ya wha? Giving the speaker just a fraction of time to rethink, back track or basically leg it!

11 – Sittin’ Off

When we’re not going out, we don’t chill out or hang out, we sit off. Going round me mums to sit off for a bit. Goin’ me mates for a sit off. Shall we just get a bottle of wine and sit off? Yeah, sound.

12 – Is Right!

Similar to G’wed in its affection, Is Right is again like a high five to hearing good news, an owner reunited with their lost dog, finding a fiver in your coat pocket, or you know like world peace. Is right!

What’s the best scouse stereotype you’ve heard? Have we missed any obvious ones off our list? Tweet us @TheGuideLpool or email us and we’ll share the best on our socials.



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