5 Reasons you have to see Jersey Boys at the Liverpool Empire this week
7 years ago

Prepare to singalong to so many tracks you never knew, you knew!
Jersey Boys has come to the Liverpool Empire for a 10 day run on Merseyside and last night we took our seats to find out what the story of these four lads was all about. No we’re no stranger to musical tales featuring four boys, brimming with talent and ambition and a desire to succeed in the charts, we kind of set the standard ourselves, but this story had us gripped from the opening bars.
Press night was a sell out at the Liverpool Empire with journalists and famous faces, including Pete Price and Claire Simmo, taking their seats nice and early with excitement. If you’re into music from the 60’s, tracks from the cult classic ‘Dirty Dancing’ or just a sucker for a incredible tale of friendship, family, heartbreak and damn good times, Jersey Boys is the one for you.
Here’s 6 reasons why you have to see Jersey Boys at the Liverpool Empire this week…
1 – You’ll know the songs
You might not think you know many Frankie Valli and the Four Season’s songs, but take it from us, you do! ‘You’re just too good to be true’, ‘Big girls don’t cry’, ‘Oh What a Night’, yep……all Four Seasons tracks from back in the day!
2 – The Casting is world class
Now let’s face it, there can’t be that many actors out there who can not only dance and perform like Frankie Valli, but to be able to hit those high notes without so much as a falter is just incredible. The casting right across the production is brilliant, the actors truly make the characters come to life, including one Hollywood star whose name you may recognise.
3 – The set spans the USA
Whether the band played in Detroit, Atlantic City or back home in ‘Jersey, the set of Jersey Boys transports from you bar to church to recording studio and back again seamlessly. Get a glimpse at life back stage at a Four Seasons gig like never before, you won’t forget it in a hurry.
4 – You’ll want to start a band
From the jaunty, distinctive dance moves from behind the mics to the jazzy costumes and the erm….gallivanting with the girls, these lads were living the life back in the 60’s and it’s so well depicted on the stage, you’ll want to start a band.
5 – You’ll stand and clap at the end
You can’t help but be impressed by the talent of these young actors playing the parts of musical giants, they’re performers in their own rights yet they come together to give us an insight into the life of musical mega stars, and if you lose yourself in the music like we did, you’d swear it was Frankie, Tommy, Bob and Nicky themselves!