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6 Top Twitter Burns to celebrate Scotland’s greatest poet

7 years ago

6 Top Twitter Burns to celebrate Scotland’s greatest poet

As the annual Burns Night feasts get underway, we’re celebrating wordsmiths of the Twitter kind.

What Robbie Burns himself would make of social media, we can only guess, but with no need for the full 140 character limit, we’ve seen some hilarious comebacks from famous faces and brands on Twitter, and well, who doesn’t love a tenuous link? So while the traditionalists tuck into their neeps and tatties or down a shot of whisky on Burns Night, 25th January, we’re having a giggle at childish arguments online that are so well crafted, Robbie himself would be in stitches.

If you haven’t got a clue who we’re talking about, don’t feel like a dope, just click here for all the info you need on Scotland’s greatest poet! Ps – He wrote Auld Lang Syne!

Whether you’re a kilt-wearing, Irn Bru swigging Scot, or not, have a laugh at these top 6 Twitter burns……

1 – Frankie Says FFS

Burns Night

The first of two scots men on our burn list and never one to hold back, Frankie Boyle managed to upset four famous faces in one tweet. Praising North Korea and sharing his contempt for James Corden in fishnet, or maybe it’s Taylor Swifts vocals, all in one go.

2 – James Blunt

If you follow one account on Twitter, make it James Blunt’s and spend your Burns Night in stitches reading his never ending Twitter feed. His one liners and straight up tweet replies are simply superb. Go one troll him, we dare you.

3 – Gordon Ramsay hates your breakfast

Another outspoken Scot makes our run down as Chef Gordon Ramsay went on the rampage with a ‘Rate Your Food’ campaign on Twitter. As expected, his feedback was savage.

4 – Pot Noodle Fringe speaks for us all

Pot Noodle Fringe says all the things we’re thinking, but are too scared to say out loud. Here he’s done a Derren Brown number on Coutinho and nailed it. The poor lad.

5 – Ellie gets ready to sign on

Being burned by a celeb can be pretty hilarious, a badge of honour even if the banter is good. Being roasted by Aldi however, not so bragg-able is it? See you down the Job Centre babe.

6 – Lineker V Morgan never gets old

Footballing legend, Gary Lineker loves to rile up Piers Morgan, and we love watching the exchange on Twitter. So far we think the score is 1,96847347366 – 1, and we can’t wait for the next match.

If you’re looking for a more traditional way to celebrate Burns Night in Liverpool, click here to check out the Band of Burns event taking place at St George’s Hall, and prepare to swing your partner round and round!

What’s the best Twitter burn you’ve seen? Drop us a line on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with your suggestions and we’ll share the best on Burns Night.



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