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A free clothes swap is happening at the Albert Dock

1 year ago

A free clothes swap is happening at the Albert Dock

There’s a free clothes swap happening at The One O’Clock Gun at the Albert Dock this Sunday.

Anyone wanting a wardrobe clearout after Christmas can swap their unwanted stuff instead of binning it by taking it to a big clothes swap this weekend.

The One O’Clock Gun pub at the Albert Dock is hosting the free event on Sunday where everyone can go along, bring some clothes and take whatever they want.

The Clothes Swap is in partnership with Again sustainable merchandise network, so if you’ve anything plain you’re bored with, you could give it a new life by getting it printed too.

It’s the first sustainable fashion day The One O’Clock Gun has held and general manager Zee Davine says the timing couldn’t be better.

“Lots of people are sorting out their wardrobes at this time of year and wanting to make some space because either they bought lots of clothes before Christmas and in the sales or they just want a fresh start for the new year.

“There’s so much going into landfill at the moment but this lets you clear out your wardrobe without having to bin anything so it’s an environmentally friendly way to do it.

“Most people have got things they might not want to wear again but if they bring them here someone else could see them and love them so they find a new home and don’t go to waste.”

Free clothes swap One O'clock Gun - The Guide Liverpool

It’s simple to take part in the swap, which starts at 12 noon and will run until around 5pm.

All you need to do is take along a bag of clothes you no longer want – it could be men’s, women’s or children’s – make sure they’re clean and don’t include underwear, socks and swimwear.

Drop off your bag and then see if there’s anything else you fancy.

“We’ll have tables laid out so people can just have a rummage and take anything they like,” says Zee, “There’s no pressure to have to take stuff, some people will want to clear out their wardrobe, bring a bag of clothes but don’t necessarily want to fill it back up and that’s fine. 

“There’s no limit to how much you can take, it’s not one for one on items – if you bring a small bag and see 10 things you like you’re more than welcome to take them.

“At these kind of events, you always end up with much more than gets taken because people are generous about giving more so any leftover items will be donated to various charities in the city, particularly homeless charities who are looking for warm clothing at this time of year.”

Working in partnership with Again means anyone going along to the Clothes Swap also has a chance to turn tired T-shirts or sweatshirts into new looking ones.

Free clothes swap One O'clock Gun - The Guide Liverpool

Wirral-based Again’s main focus is on creating sustainable cheaper merchandise, mostly for musicians and bands, by screenprinting designs onto used clothing instead of sourcing new.

They’ll be printing one of their own designs onto clothes at this Clothes Swap on a pay what you want basis so it’s a great way of reviving a nice comfy tee you love.

Zee says if this first event is successful, they’ll be looking to hold them regularly at One O’Clock Gun through the year, with Again hopefully creating new designs each time.

“No-one’s saying you have to keep your clothes forever but we are all aware that binning unwanted clothes and sending them off to landfill is bad for the environment.

“The Clothes Swap is about enjoying our clothes and not having the guilt of spending too much money or buying fast fashion that we all know is harmful to the planet.”

Visit the One O’Clock Gun Pub website HERE.

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