A staggering £1.2m raised for Mission Christmas & Cash for Kids
7 years ago

Radio City Cash for Kids Raise £1,276,823 for 2017 Mission Christmas appeal to help disadvantaged children in Merseyside
Watch the official Mission Christmas video above to see just how incredible the campaign has been.
Over the last two months Radio City Cash for Kids have been dedicated to their 2017 Mission Christmas appeal, which invited listeners and supporters to buy one extra gift to help thousands of disadvantaged children within Merseyside. Over 400 local schools and businesses showed their support and registered to be drop offs points for the appeal.
With nearly 1 in 4 local children living in poverty this December, for many families Christmas is simply a luxury they can’t afford. The Cash for Kids team supported by Liverpool Lions have been hard at work to beat last year’s total by raising an enormous £1,276,823 that will directly help 36,875 children within our area.
Carole Clare the charity manager said: “we can’t thank everyone enough for the support we have received from our main sponsors B&M and Foresters, Birkenhead Van Hire for use of their vans and premises and every single school, business and individual who has made it possible for over 36,000 of our local children to receive a special gift on Christmas Day”
Find out how you can help to make a difference via special campaigns all year long by visiting www.radiocity.co.uk/charity and keep an eye out for next year’s Mission Christmas Campaign.
Bauer Radio’s Cash for Kids Charity (England) 1122062 Registered Charity (Scotland ): sco41421