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Artist Emma Rodgers saves a space for comedian Johnny Vegas in new Port Sunlight studio 

2 months ago

Artist Emma Rodgers saves a space for comedian Johnny Vegas in new Port Sunlight studio 

World-renowned Wirral sculptor Emma Rodgers has transformed Port Sunlight’s historic Fire Engine Station into her brand-new studio – and kept a space for her friend and fellow creator, comedian Johnny Vegas.

Emma, who’s famous for her statue of Cilla Black in Mathew Street as well as creating the world’s largest Liver Bird, moved in to the Grade II listed building in December, with plans to use it as a new base as well as a workshop and exhibitions space.

And while Emma is delighted to be working in the station which ‘I fell in love with the moment I walked in’, she’s just as thrilled that the St Helens funny man and increasingly-feted artist will be moving in with her.

Emma said:

“Johnny will have a studio here which he’ll use in between filming. I have been mentoring Johnny for the last three years and it’s great to see how he works.

“We’re used to working together and when he’s there he’s great company. We spark ideas off each other.”

Emma, who collaborated with Johnny for the Metamorphosis exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool which can be seen until the end of March, adds: “I think the dynamic will work.

“He’s become part of the make-up and I can’t imagine working without him. It’s great to see how the art side of his career has grown.”

Emma’s move into the Fire Engine Station will breathe new life into the building which has lain empty for several years and underpins Port Sunlight Village Trust’s work to reawaken some of the empty or under-used buildings around the village.

“I didn’t need a new workspace.  I have a studio at home and I work in the foundry at Liverpool, but when the Trust asked me to have a look, I just fell in love with it.

“It’s such an inspiring space. The light is beautiful throughout the day,” says Emma. “The flow of the rooms and space lends itself perfectly as my studio and workshop, and the architecture and history to the building is incredible too.

“The original doors are not only powerful to look at, but also practical for working on large projects as I can move them in and out.

“AIso, I am obsessed with animals, so the thought that half of the fire station was once stables I find quite comforting. I love the stories of how the horses used to wander off but when they heard the bell ring they knew to come back!”

She continues:

“My plan is for the two sides of the building to complement each other. Where the fire engine and ambulance were once housed is studio space, and I will be in the main room working on commissioned and exhibition pieces through to large scale sculptures.

“The space will be constantly changing, depending on what I am working on.

“On the stables side of the building, I’ll have a gallery space with a range of rotating events and exhibitions from established artists and curators, projects with Port Sunlight Village Trust, and works created from pop-up workshops held in the same building. Johnny chose the room where the ambulance used to be kept.

“There will also be a studio for group workshops, which will connect with PSVT as an extended space for them to work with the community.”

Emma has already had great feedback since the move from people who’ve popped on if they’ve seen the light on to international clients and social media followers reaching out to reveal their connections to the village: “Some have even provided family photos showing the station.

“It’s such a treat and it has all been so positive.

“Eventually I’d like to create a staircase to the upstairs part of the building where they used to keep the hay.  Above anything, I want to keep the essence of the building.

“I want to bring it back to life and celebrate it.”

Work by Emma and Johnny can be seen in Liverpool’s Walker Gallery until March 31.

Metamorphosis is an exhibition of work by the two sculptors. With a common theme of flight, it explores of ‘metamorphosis’, or a mental or physical transformation. 

Emma is currently working on a steel and bronze sculpture for Chester Zoo, a tree to celebrate wildlife and which will fundraise for conservation in the UK.

“It will grow over time with donations,” says Emma. “People will be able to add small things like a bee, a leaf or a butterfly, or larger creatures like a kingfisher or a barn owl.”

The tree which is set to be unveiled in May.

Find out more here.

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