Blood Brothers super-fan will celebrate seeing her 100th show when it comes to Liverpool Empire
1 month ago

Hanneke Krijt is about to celebrate a huge milestone when the show comes to Liverpool in March.
The Blood Brothers super-fan, who’s originally from Netherlands but now lives in Liverpool, will have seen Willy Russell’s tearjerking musical an incredible 100 times.
Since 2006, she’s travelled all over the country and even flown to Dublin to be in her favourite front row seat.
But fittingly she’ll reach her centenary in her current home city and the show’s birthplace on the opening night at the Empire on March 11.
Hanneke says when she first went to see it, at the Bristol Hippodrome, she had no idea of the storyline or the songs that have made it famous.
“When I moved to Bristol in 2004 after my marriage split up, I had a landlady who would get theatre tickets through work and sometimes she’d pass them on to me or I’d go with her,” she explains.
“In 2006 she said she had tickets for a show called Blood Brothers, which she’d already seen a few times. Her friend wanted to go so she offered me the other ticket.

“I didn’t know anything about it and deliberately didn’t read up on it, all I knew was that it was one of the longest-running shows in the West End at the time.
“I remember then thinking it was good, but it didn’t click with me properly until two years later when someone else said they wanted to go.
“Sean Jones was Mickey, I was struggling a bit at the time with my own mental health and just seeing him play out these scenes, it suddenly landed with me.
“That’s when it went from ‘I’m just going to see it when it’s in or near Bristol’ to going all over the country. I’d look to see where it was and think, why don’t I go for a weekend and make it into a city trip?”
Despite seeing it so many times, 49-year-old Hanneke still finds the story of twins separated when one is given away very moving.

“My reaction usually depends on personal circumstances and mood, so when I hear Easy Terms and I tear up on the first line I know it’s going to be one of those shows! Other times I just thoroughly enjoy it but it’s not as emotional.
“With Blood Brothers you have humour and also the complete devastation you feel at the end of it. You go on a journey with these two boys to men and although you already know how it’s going to end at the start of the show, following them on that journey is just special.”
Hanneke has been part of a Blood Brothers fan community for the past decade and says it’s a lovely opportunity to share their thoughts.
“Three years ago we had nearly 1,000 members now we have 4,500. I’ve made some great friends through the group, people associated with the show interact on there too, and it’s a safe supportive fan community for everyone.
“There’s no negativity and I have a rule not to use ‘the best’ when it comes to the cast, it has to be ‘my favourite’ because I think each actor evokes different emotions.

“I’ll never say it’s the greatest show on earth, I know there are better shows out there production-wise, but for me personally this is the best.
“It just really connects with people. With what Mickey is going through, the struggles of Mrs Johnstone as a single mother, the aspect of people who’ve been adopted and maybe later found their birth siblings, people can relate to all these different aspects. And it still resonates today, especially with the cost of living situation we’re having.”
Looking forward to her 100th show, Hanneke says she can’t imagine ever getting tired of seeing Blood Brothers. In fact, she’s actually seen it twice some days.
“I saw Amy Robbins as Mrs Johnstone at a matinee in Chester, and when I came out I was so impressed as I was walking I was booking a ticket for the evening.
“That’s happened a few more times since, and by the end of the night I’m absolutely exhausted, never mind the cast and crew!”