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Celebrate Mother’s Day with these animal mums at Knowsley Safari

3 years ago

Celebrate Mother’s Day with these animal mums at Knowsley Safari

Knowsley Safari is celebrating its amazing animal mums this Mother’s Day, Sunday 27th March.

Babies of many species are born each year at the Safari and their mothers do a fabulous job playing their part in bringing up their offspring in the 550-acre Safari.

In recognition of the fabulous work mums do, Knowsley Safari has released a collection of images capturing mums with their young.

Kirsten Warren, Safari Director at Knowsley Safari says: “Spring is a fabulous time to visit the Safari. The days are getting longer and warmer and the animals on the Safari Drive are making the most of the vast outdoor space. This month is the perfect time to treat mum to a day out at the Safari – and she may even spot some young!”

Eld’s Deer

Eld’s Deer is an endangered species, with less than 700 left in the wild in Cambodia. Knowsley Safari is working alongside Wildlife Alliance to help save Eld’s Deer from extinction. Calves are typically born February to April, meaning now is a good time to spot Eld’s Deer mums with their young.


 Wildebeest are the largest of two types of gnu, able to grow up to seven feet tall. Originally from South Africa, there are over 1.5 million wildebeest in the wild. Females are pregnant for 8.5 months and their babies walk almost immediately when they are born. Impressive!

White Rhino

Picture by Martin Birchall.

Despite there being around 17,000 white rhino in the world – all rhino species are endangered. In the wild, white rhino live in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Kenya. Knowsley’s Safari Drive is home to one of the largest rhino crashesin the UK and part of the crash is a breeding group.


The largest type of monkey, baboons originate from Africa. The females have a gestation period of just six months and have just one baby. The baboons at Knowsley Safari roam around their huge monkey jungle which is open to cars. Visitors can also opt for the car-friendly route – or for the ultimate experience, treat mum to a Baboon Bus experience, complete with expert guide.


Nilgai are the largest of the Asian antelopes with a stable population in the wild in India, likely helped by the fact fifty percent of births are twins! Only male nilgai have horns. You can spot Nilgai on the Safari Drive.

Knowsley Safari continues to follow the latest guidelines to ensure guests have a safe and enjoyable experience across the 550-acre site. To visit, guests must pre-book tickets online at


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