Come inside Thrive; the coffee shop making a difference for young people in Liverpool
4 years ago
Thrive Careers Hub was established to make a real difference to the lives of Liverpool City Region’s care experienced young people.
Based in Liverpool City Centre; Thrive is a coffee shop where support workers can meet with peers and/or the young people they care for to discuss issues that matter most to them. A warm and welcome environment, Thrive offers free wifi, access to laptops and of course great coffee!
Care experienced young people often find themselves disadvantaged when looking for employment opportunities; at Thrive, young people can access interactive careers sessions and mentoring sessions with employers from across the region.
In addition to this, 18-24 year olds in receipt of Universal Credit can attend Thrive as an alternative to their local Jobcentre where our team will work with them to help them secure not just any job, but one they love.
Thrive was the first of Liverpool City Region’s youth hub and was launched in partnership with DWP in October last year. It is jointly funded by Rise Construction Framework, a social procurement business which reinvests profits into community prevention and intervention initiatives to tackle poverty and deprivation.
Research conducted by Rise Construction Framework identified that as a region there wasn’t a dedicated, safe space for support workers to meet and, as such, they often find themselves meeting in fast food restaurants or coffee shops just to be able to use Wi-Fi and toilets.
Thrive provides that dedicated, safe space – as well as free hot drinks and refreshments. Thrive is a connector. Offering support to young people who are claiming Universal Credit, connecting them to employers – as well as connecting support workers to services that can help the young people they care for.
Thrive works in partnership with organisations and businesses in the region who are willing to share their expertise and advice with a young person, as well as directly offering opportunities around employment or work experience.
Businesses can also fulfil their own corporate social responsibility through sponsorship for Thrive.
Despite difficulties caused by the pandemic, the careers hub has already helped to change the fortunes of many vulnerable young people in our region – but it can’t do this alone.
That’s why it’s appealing to Liverpool organisations and businesses to provide employment opportunities such as placements, internships and apprenticeships or take out a sponsorship package. They range from a donation to support up to 40 young people to a monthly ‘pay-it-forward’ pledge to buy hot drinks and refreshments for key workers and young people visiting the hub.
To find out more about Thrive, how you could access its services if you’re a support worker or offer help if you’re a business, visit the website www.thrive-cic.co.uk email info@thrive-cic.co.uk or get in touch via Twitter: @thrive_lcr