Last Days of Summer

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Complaints Policy

At The Guide Liverpool (“we,” “us,” or “our”), we value feedback from our users and are committed to addressing any complaints or concerns promptly and fairly. This Complaints Policy outlines the process for submitting and resolving complaints regarding the content or functionality of our website, (the “Website”).

Scope of the Complaints Policy

This policy applies to all complaints received from users of the Website. It covers complaints related to the accuracy of content, editorial standards, user experience, technical issues, and any other matters directly related to the Website.

Submitting a Complaint

Complaints can be submitted by contacting us through the following channels:


Contact Form: Click here.

When submitting a complaint, please provide the following information:

Complaints Handling Process

We are committed to addressing complaints promptly and handling them with fairness and impartiality. Our complaints handling process is as follows:

  1. Acknowledgment: Upon receiving a complaint, we will send an acknowledgement to the complainant within five working days. This acknowledgment will confirm that the complaint has been received and provide an estimated timeframe for resolution.
  2. Investigation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint, including reviewing relevant content, consulting with appropriate personnel, and gathering necessary information.
  3. Resolution: Based on the findings of the investigation, we will take appropriate actions to resolve the complaint. This may include making corrections or updates to the content, addressing technical issues, or providing an explanation or clarification.
  4. Communication: We will communicate the resolution of the complaint to the complainant within [timeframe] working days of completing the investigation. If additional time is required, we will provide regular updates on the progress of the investigation and expected timeframe for resolution.
  5. Escalation: If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution provided, they may request escalation of the complaint. The complaint will be escalated to the appropriate personnel or management for further review and consideration.

Confidentiality and Privacy

We will handle all complaints with strict confidentiality and will only use the information provided for the purpose of resolving the complaint. Personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Continuous Improvement

We value feedback and use complaints as an opportunity for improvement. We will review and analyze complaints received to identify any systemic issues, improve our processes, and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Complaints Policy or need assistance in submitting a complaint, please contact us using the following details via email at