Details for first two test events at Everton Stadium announced
2 months ago

Everton has announced details for the first two test events that will take place at Everton Stadium.
The first test event – an Everton Under-18s friendly fixture – will take place on Monday 17 February (KO 7pm GMT) in front of a capacity of 10,000 spectators.
The Club’s Under-21s will play a friendly for the second test event in late March or early April, when the capacity will be increased to 25,000*.
A third test event will be held later in the current season, details of which will be confirmed in due course.
The restricted capacities for the events are a requirement of the testing process that will allow the Club to obtain the necessary licence and safety certificates to operate the stadium at full capacity from when it officially opens ahead of the 2025/26 season.
Tickets for the first two test events will be allocated by way of ballots. The ballots will be open from 10am on Friday 3 January until 11.59pm on Friday 10 January and be available to:
- Existing Season Ticket Members
- Existing Goodison Park Hospitality Members
- Supporters who have committed to a 2025/26 Premium Bars, Restaurants and Experiences Membership
- Everton shareholders
Eligible supporters will be able to apply for either or both test events and apply as individuals or in groups of up to six family and friends (please note, all supporters within a group must meet the eligibility criteria outlined above).
Each supporter number can only be entered into each ballot once. Therefore, if a supporter number is included as part of a group application, it cannot then be used for a separate individual application or an application as part of another group.
Successful applicants will not be able to choose their seats for the test events. However, as part of the ballot registration process, supporters will be able to select two preferred areas within the stand/stadium and, where possible, subject to availability, the Club will try to allocate seats in those areas.
Supporters with accessibility requirements should enter the ballot by filling out a separate form that will be made available from 10am on Friday 3 January so that their application can be managed by the Accessibility Ticketing Team should they be successful.
The ballot for the first test event will be drawn in the week commencing Monday 13 January and successful applicants will be informed via email towards the end of that week.
To ensure fairness, successful applicants for the first test event will then be excluded from the ballot for the second test event, which will be drawn in the week commencing Monday 20 January. Successful applicants will again be informed via email towards the end of that week.
Should any applicants be unsuccessful in both ballots, they will be guaranteed a ticket for the third test event, ensuring all eligible supporters will get the opportunity to experience at least one test event prior to the stadium’s official opening.
Subject to availability, supporters on the Season Ticket waiting list who have been informed they will be eligible to purchase a Season Ticket for 2025/26, and 2024/25 Official Members, will also have the opportunity to access tickets for the third test event, in addition to the above eligible groups.
Tickets for the first two test events will be priced at £5 for adults and £2.50 for concessions (Under-18 and Over-65) and will be issued digitally to allow for the electronic turnstile system at Everton Stadium to be tested as part of the event schedule. Supporters will be required to submit details of a payment card as part of their ballot application and, if successful, payment will be taken automatically.
Supporters are advised that there will strictly be no resale or ticket transfer option for the test events and, as tickets are being issued digitally, only the named supporter will be able to access the stadium. Should any successful applicants be unable to attend a test event for any reason, they should inform the Fan Centre so their ticket can be reallocated by the Club to another supporter.
Due to the conditions and requirements of the test events, all tickets for the first test event will be allocated in the South Stand, in either the lower-tier rail seating section or upper-tier seating section. Applicants who may not be able to stand for the duration of the fixtures are advised to not select the lower section of the South Stand for any of the test events. For the second test event, all stands will be open, with a restricted number of seats available in each.
Supporters who are successful in the ballot(s) will receive more details on parking, catering and other event information nearer the time of their test event.