Discover the Gory Story of Medicine Through Time at Sick to Death, Chester
3 years ago
With a disclaimer warning they’ll take no responsibility for sudden fainting, loss of appetite, or nightmares, you’ll get the idea that a new Chester attraction is set to test your strength of stomach.
But if you’re Sick to Death of tourist haunts that fail to fascinate, you won’t be disappointed with the one that’s taken over St Michael’s Church in Bridge Street.
The Gory Story of Medicine Through Time, Sick to Death is a self-guided journey into the weird and wonderful world of disease, diagnosis and cure, and it promises an experience you will never forget – even if you want to!
It’s a warts-and-all, technicolour look at the history of medicine and you can take the hand of the Grim Reaper and Asclepius, the ancient Greek God of medicine, for a poke into the past to learn why autopsies were so important to furthering our understanding of the human body, what your poo says about you and why plague doctors wore a peculiar mask.
You can even enter the TURDIS, the only time travelling toilet in existence; discover whether magic potions are real, and learn loads about the pre-NHS era, seeing the shocking surgical tools which were once used, along with the risky remedies more likely to kill than cure.
And, because it is almost Halloween as this scientific-spectacular opens, for three horrifying nights -October 29-31 – the macabre museum will transform from Sick to Death into Scared to Death, as it opens extra late for those who are brave enough to visit after dark!
(But beware! You may find you’re not alone as you make your way through and, if you’re not careful, you could end up staying as a permanent part of the display … well bits of you at least!).
Sick to Death is open daily from 10am to 6pm – and you don’t need to make an appointment!