EUROfansCLUB is coming Liverpool for Eurovision and the host venue has been announced
2 years ago

For the whole week of 8-13 May, EUROfansCLUB will play host to six unique experiences, culminating in the evening of the Eurovision Song Contest itself and Fusion nightclub has been announced as the venue that will host the events.
This year’s affair has already captured the hearts and minds of music fans around the globe, as a city famed for its music and culture is hosting on behalf of last year’s winners, Ukraine.
Fusion, the ultimate after-hours nightclub, located in the popular Fleet Street area of the city centre is pleased to announce it has been chosen by EUROfansCLUB to host these key six events, which will provide fans, press members, artists and personnel a chance to meet and enjoy a musical atmosphere which will be the envy of the 160 million people who engage with Eurovision around the world.
EUROfansCLUB hosted the biggest and most popular after-show party at last year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Italy, and anticipates that this year’s events will top those achievements. They will be hosting a week of events every night from 8pm featuring the best that Eurovision has to offer.
The week will begin with a special Opening Night on Monday 8 May 2023, followed by Ice Night the following evening, which will be the ultimate in white parties: inspired by Baltic and Nordic countries, Danish artist Rasmussen will be performing. On Wednesday 10 May, WIWIBLOGGS will be taking over to provide the ultimate back-stage experience, featuring live performances involving current and past Eurovision Song Contest hits.
Euro Queens Night on Thursday 11 May is exactly as it is announced – an evening dedicated to ultimate Euro Queens. Petitvision on Friday 12 is something totally different, and is all about the smallest Eurovision nations: think ballades, glitter and wind machines.

The final evening on Saturday 13 May is the epicentre of the week: Celebrate will allow you to party with the new winner/s of the Eurovision Song Contest, alongside other noted previous winners, with the legendary Katrina, formerly of Katrina and the Waves, performing.
Phil Gillespie, Head of Marketing at Pub Invest Group explains:
“We are really thrilled to play host for EUROfansCLUB this May in what will be an historic week for our city, its visitors and everyone involved in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. At Fusion we have already built a great following for partygoers in Liverpool who want a truly unique night time experience, and now as a team we get to put into play all we have learned so far in hosting the six vital EUROfansCLUB events.

Our capacity of 800 means we are a large enough venue to welcome expected guests. At present, all of our early week pass tickets have sold out, and most of our pre-sale tickets, too. Our general entrance tickets are really reasonably priced at £18, considering what a one-off week we are getting ready to enjoy. Each night is very special in its own right, and there really is something for everyone. The final evening is going to be an absolute thrill: we can’t wait to welcome the Eurovision Song Contest winning artist or group.
We know that Eurovision fans are an inclusive, all-embracing and passionate group. When this is coupled with the welcome, atmosphere and musical presence that only Liverpool can provide, we can guarantee that this is going to be a week to remember. Here at Fusion, as a team we are just so proud that we get to play such a pivotal part.”