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Find out how you can help protect vulnerable people during Safeguarding Adults Week

3 months ago

Find out how you can help protect vulnerable people during Safeguarding Adults Week
Safeguarding Adults. Credit: Shutterstock

Residents and organisations across Sefton are being encouraged to get involved in Safeguarding Adults Week 2024, taking place from Monday 18 to Friday 22 November.

Safeguarding Adults Week raises awareness about abuse and neglect, highlighting the support available to those at risk.

The Partnership Board believes that working in partnership allows sharing of knowledge of safeguarding, learning from others, and ultimately creation of safer cultures.

Sefton’s Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board will be out and about in the community during the week with key partners, explaining their role in safeguarding and how people can spot the signs of abuse and neglect in people at risk.

On Monday 18th November, the Partnership Board Business Team will be engaging with shoppers in Asda, Bootle alongside Sefton CVS from 11am-1pm for anyone who wants to find out more or has questions. The Business Team will then attend Asda in Aintree on Wednesday 20th where they will be joined by fellow partners.

For anyone who won’t get a chance to meet with the Team in person, the Board will be sharing important messages about their work across social media throughout the week. The Partnership Board website holds lots of important information to help communities in Sefton understand more about adult safeguarding and their role in protecting those who are vulnerable.

The Safeguarding Partnership Board is made up of multiple organisations working across Sefton, including Sefton Council, Merseyside Police, NHS Trusts, housing associations and multiple others. Together, they prioritise work to raise awareness and reduce the risk of abuse and neglect of those with care and support needs. In Sefton, they work with one another to ensure that people are supported in the best way possible.

Credit: Sefton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board
Credit: Sefton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board

Cllr Ian Moncur, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health said: 

“Safeguarding is something that every one of us should be aware of. We all know that abuse and neglect can have a devastating effect on someone’s life, but we might not always be aware of the signs to look out for.

“Safeguarding Adults Week is the perfect opportunity to find out more about different types of abuse and neglect and how to reach out and support someone who is at risk.

“The Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board and all the organisations that sit on the Board do incredibly important work all year around. This week is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about what they do, and learn how to protect ourselves and others from abuse.”

Deborah Butcher, Sefton Council’s Executive Director of Adult Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, and Interim Chair for Sefton’s Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board said: 

“Our board is made up of organisations from lots of different sectors in Sefton. From housing to health, from the police to our fire service, we all work together to help protect residents who are at risk of harm.

“Anyone can experience abuse or neglect, and it’s only by working together that we can offer the best support to help people who are in difficult or dangerous situations.

“Safeguarding Adults Week is a chance to showcase what we do and help people to become a little more vigilant when spotting the signs. Safeguarding is everyone’s business and together we can make a real difference.”

This year’s theme for Safeguarding Adults Week is ‘working in partnership’ and the Board will be hosting a number of important events and webinars for professionals who work with vulnerable adults. A full schedule and details on how to get involved are on the Board’s website.

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