Find out more about the future of Birkenhead at this new centre
2 years ago

A shop unit in the town centre is now a key location for people to find out more about the exciting plans for Birkenhead and help shape its future.
Birkenhead is going through major transformation with more than £100 million of Government funding secured by Wirral Council to support it.
The new centre – known as BirkenEd’s Place – will be an easily accessible location for anyone wanting to learn about the ambitious plans for Birkenhead and, crucially, to help shape decisions about the future of the town.

At the heart of the proposals is the creation of family-friendly neighbourhoods with beautiful, green public spaces and parks and re-connecting a revitalised town centre with the amazing opportunities along the Mersey waterfront, while also making the most of the town’s iconic heritage and buildings.
Over three months from November until mid-February 2023 people visiting the BirkenEd’s Place in the town centre will be able to find out more about the key projects coming forward and most importantly to share their ideas and views to help shape what happens next.
During this time more information about a series of major projects proposed in the town will be made available, with the engagement in BirkenEd’s Place being led by independent local social enterprise PLACED.
Consultations that will be coming to the shop for people to comment on from the beginning include proposals for Argyle Street, Dock Branch Neighbourhood, and Town Centre and St Werburghs, with other projects to be confirmed at a later date. Details of dates can be found on the BirkenEd’s Place website.
These are based on the Birkenhead 2040 Framework, a 20-year plan which sets out the most radical proposals for the town since the 1947 Town Plan.

Leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Janette Williamson, said:
“Birkenhead and the surrounding area is on the cusp of real and important changes which we are determined to make sure these benefit as many local people as possible and that they reflect their hopes and ambitions for their town. This is the culmination of many years of hard work and vision by politicians and officers.
“The aim is that BirkenEd’s Place will be more than just a space to talk about Birkenhead but will welcome those who want to know more and have their voices heard as we move ahead with ambitious plans for the town. It will also be a place where they can meet with a community group, take part in a craft activity, or simply have a cup of tea and a chat about the town.”
BirkenEd’s Place is at 8-10 Borough Pavement, Grange Precinct, Birkenhead, open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 11-5pm and people are welcome to stop by to find out more about the proposals and give their views.
There will also be a range of events, from walking tours to family craft activities, along with opportunities to get creative, such as a photography competition – details coming soon.