Free live jazz performances and jam sessions arrive at Camp and Furnace
4 years ago
A free weekly night of live jazz, soul and RnB music is coming to Camp and Furnace.
 and will bring together a series of top UK musicians for live performances and jam sessions.
Organisers promise it will be a night of “good times that stimulate your body and soul” while it will also act as a “workshop for musicians to trade phrases and ideas”.
Camp and Furnace director Paul Speed said: “We’re really excited to be bringing together world-class musicians and an audience in what should be a seamless blend.
“Lots of top UK musicians are coming together to perform a range of jazz, neo-soul and RnB – so it will be a lot of fun.
“We are going to be running these events every Thursday for people, it’s free and ticketless so you can just walk in and join us for a night you’ll never forget.”
On the night there will be two 45-minute live performances and a one-hour jam session.
The event begins at 8pm and will run until midnight with drinks being served at Camp and Furnace on Greenland Street in the Baltic Triangle.
Camp and Furnace is the original event space in Liverpool’s thriving Baltic Triangle, having hosted various live music events and entertaining performances for more than a decade.