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Grab your free pints at Lime Street Central today

11 months ago

Grab your free pints at Lime Street Central today
Lime Street Central

You can now officially grab one of 100,000 free pints at your local Greene King pub in celebration of rain falling today.  

The offer is live for 24 hours at Lime Street Central from 11am today, 25 March, and customers can choose one free drink from a range of options, including cask ales, lagers and craft beers such as Greene King’s Level Head, Greene King IPA and Flint Eye or a selection of soft drinks.

All pub goers must do to quench their thirst is head to a local participating Greene King pub and say the key words “it rains, we pour” when ordering.

The pub company and brewer’s biggest ever round was triggered at 08:00 am today, after much anticipation the official Greene King Rain Drop Detector was set off, meaning the nation can head to their local pub and enjoy a free pint.

The nine-foot-tall pint glass shaped detector situated at Great Northern Warehouse in Manchester city centre, lit up triggering the launch of the offer across the country, as the first drops of rain fell on the city.

When it rains, We Pour. Credit: Greene King Pubs
When it rains, We Pour. Credit: Greene King Pubs

The giveaway follows new national research revealing Manchester is the UK’s wettest city, with over one in five of the nation claiming it’s the place that rains the most in the entire country.  

Despite over eight in ten Brits (81%) believing rain is quintessentially British, almost three quarters (74%) claim that it puts them off going out and socialising, showing a clear relationship between the weather and social activities.

Clair Preston-Beer, Managing Director for Greene King Pubs, said:

 “Now it’s officially raining, we’re pouring 100,000 free pints across our Greene King pubs nationwide in our biggest ever giveaway to celebrate rather than commiserate the rain, because let’s face it, it won’t be the last of the wet weather!

“At Greene King, we are proud of being the nation’s go-to place to eat, drink, and relax with your family, friends, and colleagues. We have something for everyone, so as we can’t control the weather, we can make up for it by offering this free pint giveaway up and down the country – meaning a Good Time is (Almost) Guaranteed. We can’t wait to welcome customers into our pubs today to enjoy our biggest ever round of free drinks.”

For more info on Lime Street Central click here. For the latest news in Liverpool click here.



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