Days Out
Get Back To Play at Strawberry Field this Summer
2 years ago

Join them for family-friendly fun and get inspired by John Lennon’s legacy of music and peace this summer at Strawberry Field!
Strawberry Field is an award-winning new visitor attraction located in Woolton, South Liverpool.
Telling the story of John Lennon’s childhood and the writing and recording of the iconic song ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’, the Strawberry Field attraction is home to an interactive visitor exhibition which includes the original ‘Imagine’ piano, the original red gates, and the magical gardens where John played, climbed trees and dreamed as a child.
Children are welcome every day at Strawberry Field, with free entry to the gardens and café 10am-6pm, 7 days a week.

What you can get up to:
Get Back To Play Sessions
Every Tuesday, 25 July – 29 August 2023
10am – 2pm (Drop in. No booking required)
Enjoy family crafts and play with traditional toys and games in the gardens where John Lennon played as a child.
Get Back to Play is a series of free family events taking place every Tuesday during the summer at the award-winning heritage attraction at the site immortalised in The Beatles hit ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’.
Over the course of the sessions, they’ll be exploring some special themes, including storytelling, sport, music, drama, and nature.
On 15th August they’re hosting a Sports Day with demonstrations from experts, it’s a chance to move your bodies and to try out new skills.
On 29 August, Strawberry Field’s will celebrate International Beatle Week, and the opening of their new bandstand with music and an opportunity to play yourself!
Throughout the visitor attraction, they have provided the features necessary to ensure an inclusive, accessible environment that allows them to welcome all visitors from all walks of life. Their Get Back To Play sessions have been developed with this same focus in mind. They will also be arranging a dedicated session on the theme of Accessibility and Inclusion.
Get Back To Play wristband holders also receive 10% off the menu in the ‘Imagine More’ Café.
Strawberry Field Visitor Exhibition and Guided Garden Tour
Open daily, 10am – 6pm
Under 16s go free into the visitor exhibition with a full-paying adult.
Families are invited to immerse themselves in this interactive exhibition, and the stories of The Salvation Army children’s home, the people who once lived there, John Lennon’s early years, and music.
New to Strawberry Field this summer is the guided garden tour. Allow yourself to be carried away with their soundscape and stories. Give yourself permission to pause and reconnect in the garden of Strawberry Field and the authentic legacy of peace and sanctuary.
Strawberry Fields Visitor Information
Open 7 days a week, 10am – 6pm
Free entry to garden, shop and ‘Imagine More’ Café.
There’s a gift shop with exclusive Strawberry Field and John Lennon merchandise.
Under 16s go free into the visitor exhibition with a full-paying adult.