Help Wirral Council shape the future of New Brighton
1 year ago

A new lido, hotels and other major developments could build on the significant investment New Brighton has enjoyed in recent years with fresh ideas to develop the resort for the future.
Consultation is now underway and people are being asked to give their views on a detailed series of suggestions being put forward in a masterplan for the New Brighton Marine Promenade area, which stretches from Rowson Street the Floral Pavilion.
The masterplan will provide a framework to help guide future development and the aim is to reignite the momentum of the resort following the £80 million of private investment in the Marine Point leisure and retail facility in 2011. This led to a resurgence in the town and a renewed enthusiasm for visitors over the last decade.
More recently public artwork focused around the Victoria Road area has seen a more community-led regeneration approach bringing new life to the traditional high street part of the town.
Ideas now being put forward through the New Brighton Marine Promenade Masterplan could see the opportunity for a new lido to be established in the Marine Lake, plus much improved connections from the Marine Promenade to the Victoria Quarter, including creating spaces for people to shelter from the wind.
The masterplan proposals seek to improve the overall connections between Marine Point, Marine Promenade and the Victoria Road high street area, as well as create more homes in the area.
Other ideas being put forward include a land train to provide better transport in and out of the town, and a Theatre Plaza making better use of the space outside the Floral Pavilion for events.
Some ideas could be delivered quickly such as better connecting the Marine Promenade area to Victoria Road, more seating and better use of the Marine Lake, along with working with landowners to bring forward new develop along Marine Promenade, while the lido is seen as a more long-term strategic ambition for the town.
Chair of Wirral Council’s Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee, Cllr Tony Jones, said:
“New Brighton has seen a lot of investment relatively recently but that is just a starting point – the town needs much more intervention to re-establish it and make the most of this fantastic place to live, work and of course to visit.
“I understand people will be keen to see work moving ahead and I share that, but it is absolutely vital that whatever changes we bring forward are done in the spirit of partnership. It is incredibly important that this is an inclusive process that works both for local residents and businesses as well as those with a stake in the future of the area.
“So I would urge as many people as possible to get involved in this consultation, tell us what ideas you like and what you would like to see changed and have your say now.”
Two phases of public consultation have been undertaken so far to try to gauge what local people, businesses and visitors would like to see in the wider New Brighton area.
Responses indicate the majority of respondents, 90%, either strongly agreed or agreed that a lido was generally a good idea for the masterplan. Many who took part in the previous consultations also said they wanted to see issues such as empty or derelict buildings and wasteland along Marine Promenade addressed and more done to deal with litter.
This consultation focuses specifically on the Marine Promenade area.
People can take part in the consultation online via the council’s HaveYourSay website where there are more details of the proposals and ideas being put forward including the full Masterplan.
This consultation will be open for responses until December 4.