Ladybird books exhibition will bring back childhood memories at the Williamson Art Gallery & Museum this summer
3 years ago

This summer, visitors to Williamson Art Gallery & Museum can uncover the story of the talented artists who illustrated Ladybird books for more than 30 years in The Wonderful World of the Ladybird Book Artists.
From 29th June until 9th September, this beautiful and colourful exhibition puts on display an unparalleled collection of books, original artworks and artefacts and shows how the numerous, talented Ladybird illustrators played such an enormous role in the extraordinary success of the company in the 20th century.
Tracing the interconnected work of these artists, the Ladybird story itself is recounted over its ‘golden years’ – 1940 to 1975. Visually rich and varied, the exhibition will evoke many memories of childhood. Hundreds of books are made available for visitors to browse through and share.
It is curated by Ladybird expert and enthusiast Helen Day, who has spent more than 20 years researching the company and collecting items.
Niall Hodson, Curator of the Williamson Art Gallery says:
“Ladybird Books, with their bright covers, sparkling text and vivid illustrations are instantly evocative and recognizable – especially for anyone who grew up in Britain in the 20th Century”. “These little books and their pastel-tinted pictures shine a light into the culture, fashion, and social history of our country.”
“This exhibition at the Williamson is a rare opportunity to explore the imagination and ingenuity of the artists behind the illustrations.”