Liverpool charity Nugent’s Sleep Out event will create hope for city’s homeless
1 year ago

The city’s oldest charity is holding its annual Sleep Out event to help combat homelessness in Liverpool.
It’s the third time Nugent has held the fundraiser, collecting almost £19,000 in the first two years to provide essentials and support to give people the chance of an independent life and a roof over their heads.
This year, as well as supporting those fleeing domestic violence and individuals in a vulnerable position, the Sleep Out venture will focus on those leaving care, aiming to tackle the ‘alarming’ risk of homelessness they face.
Ainsley Briscoe, income generation and fundraising manager, says: “According to Home for Good and Step by Step, a shocking one in four care leavers face the prospect of homelessness by the time they turn 18, and that’s why this year’s fundraising focus is aimed at preventing this.
“But the funds raised will also play a vital role in helping other individuals who may find themselves in a vulnerable position. Nugent is there to support people at every stage of life, whenever people may need us.”
After a bitterly cold 12 hours spent outside Strawberry Field last year, this year’s fundraisers will spend the night on the colonnades outside the Merseyside Maritime Museum in the Royal Albert Dock on Thursday, March 7.
And they’re asking people to join them in giving up their bed for the night to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness by experiencing ‘just a fraction’ of what people who are homeless face on a daily and nightly basis, and to raise money to make a change.

Homelessness is one of the main issues Nugent is keen to address, highlighting a collection of reasons why people become homeless.
Many have escaped a violent or abusive relationship, others are forced into a life on the streets after leaving prison, care, or the army, and finding they have no home to go to.
Nugent says other factors can play a part including the lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment, relationship breakdowns, losing a job, mental or physical health problems, and substance or alcohol abuse.
It wants to change that by tackling the root causes: alleviating poverty and providing accommodation for those fleeing domestic abuse, people transitioning out of care and, simply, those who are vulnerable.
David*, who spoke at last year’s Sleep Out, says: “Being homeless makes you feel fearful, alone, angry, frustrated, and scared.

“You live day to day and don’t know what tomorrow will bring; you are grateful you can get through the day. I was scared of mixing with the wrong people and scared of my own thoughts, the feeling of madness was not good. I felt like I had no hope, I was around people but still felt alone.”
Nugent provided a turning point for him: “It gives you hope and confidence that coming from the streets, hostels or hotels, there is accommodation, and there is support and people who care.”
He was given a starter pack of basic essentials including bedding and pots and pans to help him become independent and establish life on his own, and he adds: “Seeing the starter pack took pressure off me, just knowing that things were provided and I didn’t have to go out and get these things myself. It wasn’t just the starter pack, it was the support in general that gives hope and confidence.”
Simon Krol is director of Krol Corlett Construction who are headline sponsors for event, understanding, he says, the vital importance of supporting those experiencing homelessness across Merseyside.
He adds: “Having participated in the event last year, I know first-hand the challenges faced. I count myself lucky it was for just one night, which sadly is not the case for many. Our commitment to aiding communities across Liverpool remains steadfast, and we’re honoured to contribute to such a critical cause.”

Jo Henney, CEO of Nugent and Chair of Trustees at Emmaus Merseyside, said:
“I am aware of the pressing need to address homelessness, a stark reality in Merseyside. Our Sleep Out is a crucial initiative to help bridge the funding gaps in our efforts to combat homelessness and I’m delighted to champion this cause.
“Together, we strive to make a meaningful impact and bring attention to this critical issue affecting our community.”
If you want to get involved, you can sign up here.
To learn more about Sleep Out, contact Nugent’s fundraising team at fundraising@wearenugent.org or click here.
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*Not his real name