Health & Fitness
Liverpool City Council is calling on people to get HIV tested during National HIV Testing Week
1 month ago

Liverpool City Council and its partners are calling on people across the city to take an HIV test and ‘know your status.’
This National HIV Testing Week (10th–16th February) is the perfect time to get checked.
The completely confidential process is quick, free, and has never been easier with multiple access points across the city with and discreet online self-tests also available.
Early diagnosis and treatment are key to reducing transmissions as many people can live with the virus for years without symptoms.
Liverpool is making huge strides as a Fast-Track City, a global initiative committed to ending HIV and AIDS. Since 2021, the number of undiagnosed cases in Liverpool has fallen from 115 to an estimated 50.
But to reach zero new transmissions, regular testing is essential. If you test negative, you can take steps to stay that way, such as using PrEP or condoms. If you test positive, early detection means you can access treatment and live a long, healthy life.
People on effective HIV treatment cannot pass the virus on to their partners, a breakthrough known as U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable).
Services and partners across the city are co-ordinating testing events and offering prevention advice.
Axess Sexual Health Testing:
· Find more information on the Axess website for clinic sites and online testing.
· See Axess social media channels, including X, Facebook and Instagram for information throughout the week (Axess X)
· Condom distribution scheme available all over the city (online ordering) – and with QR code on ‘testing week adverts’
Liverpool PaSH Drop In Testing:
· Condom scheme available to at risk groups via website.
· 11th Feb – Central Library (2pm-4pm, William Brown Street) L3 8EW
· 12th Feb – Kuumba Imani (11am-2pm), 4 Princes Road, L8
· 14th Feb – Yemi’s Barber Shop (4pm-6pm), 40 Smithdown Road, L7 4JG
Information stalls, events and engaging in other related engagement activity at the following locations (with advice around how to test):
- The Brink – 15-21 Parr St, Liverpool L1 4JN
Tuesday 11th February 2025, 11.30am – 2.00pm
- RISE YMCA – 15 Leeds St, Liverpool L3 6HU
Friday 14th February 2025 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Councillor Harry Doyle, Cabinet Member for Culture, Health and Wellbeing said:
“HIV testing week provides a vital opportunity to get tested. In Liverpool we are making testing easier to access than ever before, either through Axess clinics, community outreach, or online approaches.
We also have fantastic HIV treatment and care services and know that with effective treatment, with a positive diagnosis you can lead a long and healthy life. Our HIV support services provided by George House Trust and Sahir House are also there to help with advice and information if you need it”.
Director of Public Health Professor Matthew Ashton said:
“We are proud of the progress we have made in relation to HIV testing and treatment in recent years. Having redesigned our services to make contraception, and STI and HIV testing more accessible, we saw a record number of residents test for STIs and HIV last year.
“We want more people to do the same. Please ensure you test and know your status and help us achieve our goal of ending all new HIV transmissions by 2030”.
Axess Sexual Health Clinical Outreach lead, Chris Higgins, said:
“We will be delivering a range of outreach testing during the week, and our mobile bus. Testing is the only way to know if you have HIV and worth doing because people can live with HIV for a long time without any symptoms.
“We encourage you to access our services across the city to get tested, access PrEP and use condoms as a vital approach to HIV prevention”.