Liverpool News
Liverpool ONE brightens up Blue Monday
1 year ago

Hundreds of colourful blooms filled Liverpool ONE today to help lift visitors’ spirits on Blue Monday.
As the so-called ‘most depressing day of the year’, Blue Monday is viewed as the day when many of us feel particularly low, with post-Christmas financial struggles, failed New Year’s resolutions and bad weather believed to be to blame.
So, in an effort to put smiles on faces, Liverpool once again gave away free flowers to passers-by working with local florist Mary Mary, encouraging people to take them home or give to a loved one.

The hundreds of British Smith & Munson Tulips were placed across Liverpool ONE, including Paradise Street and Peter’s Lane.
As part of Blue Monday, a selection of stores were giving away samples, with John Lewis & Partners, Cosmo, Byron, The Body Shop, Tortilla, Mooboo and Bean all getting involved.
Plus, uplifting music will be played from the speakers on Paradise Street for the whole week while visitors will also have the chance to pick up mystery prizes on the day.

Donna Howitt, Place Strategy Director at Liverpool ONE, said:
“Our big flower giveaway on Blue Monday is always a popular one here at Liverpool ONE – we love adding a bit of cheer on what is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year.
“After the rush and excitement of the festive period, it’s understandable that many of us feel a little low as everyday routine kicks in.
“As always, some of our fantastic stores and restaurants have got involved and are kindly giving away free treats to our visitors to help brighten their day.
“We hope that we’ve been able to lift the spirits of those passing through or visiting Liverpool ONE today.”