Liverpool rescue centre says it’s worst year ever as owners give up pets they can’t afford to keep
3 months ago

Freshfields Animal Rescue is facing daily calls from people who are having to give up their beloved pets because they can’t afford to keep them.
There are currently as many as 15 pleas every single day from owners asking if they can take their dog or cat in to the Liverpool centre – not because they want to, but because they can no longer manage to pay for its food or look after it.
Staff there say it’s never been so bad.
Deb Hughes, funding and PR manager for Freshfields said:
“I would say it’s the worst year ever, certainly in my lifetime at Freshfields which is now 13 years.
“The sheer amount of calls we’re getting a day – often up to 15 – from people asking to bring in their pet to the centre, is the worst it’s been.
“Every day we have to say to people that we have no spaces is another day for the poor animal being at risk of being abandoned, or worse.
“The cost of living crisis means that when many people are finding it hard to pay bills and feed themselves, they might have to come to the dreadful decision to let their pet go.
“The sad truth is, that in a very hard financial climate, the cost of living for us is often the cost of life for them. It’s heartbreaking.”
“Our staff face so many challenges every day, and the only thing that gets us through is knowing we can make the difference between hope and despair for hundreds of animals.”
Freshfields has launched its Christmas Appeal asking for donations with the message ‘You Are The Answer’.
“We’re only here because of our supporters,” says Deb. “And when we say ‘You are the Answer’, we mean it this year more than ever.

“We are asking our wonderful and compassionate local communities to help us care for the abused, abandoned and vulnerable animals who have nowhere else to turn.
“We know that the public is very aware of the risks facing our animal companions:
* Veterinary bills and medication costs continue to soar
* Medicines produced in Europe have gone up by 30%, and
* 56% of UK adults say they are only one unexpected vet bill away from having to make the heartbreaking decision to surrender their beloved family pet to a rescue centre
“Families are under severe financial pressure as never before, and the animals are sadly the unfortunate victims. Those that don’t find a place in rescue end up being picked up by the animal wardens, and then are most often put to sleep.
“Vets are being asked to euthanise healthy pets when they are unwanted, or when their owners simply cannot afford to keep them.
“We need to step up and help them. Most grant funders exclude animal rescue providers from applying for assistance, the Government doesn’t fund aid for animals needing rescue services – despite record demand and rising costs we face – and irresponsible breeding is out of control with Government policies insufficient to tackle the problem.
“Every day, more and more animals find their way to our front doors, but in this financial climate people are thinking twice before taking on a pet, so we have fewer people able to adopt from us.
“With unprecedented demand it is up to us, together, to take action.”
Freshfields Animal Rescue has changed the lives of more than 100,000 animals’ lives since it first opened its doors in 1979, offering safety, warmth, love and excellent medical care; and giving them the hope of a forever loving home.
Deb continues:
“With help, we can save lives, heal broken bodies and minds, and find loving homes full of happiness for animals in desperate need. But we can only do it with people’s unwavering compassion and care.
“We’re asking people to donate what they can. Every penny really adds up and makes a big difference.”
If you want to help Freshfields Animal Rescue this Christmas you can donate online via their website by Cheque made payable to Freshfields Animal Rescue; by phone – call 0151 931 1604 for Liverpool – or by bank transfer to the below:
Lloyds Bank, Fishergate, Preston.
Account name – Freshfields Animal Rescue
Sort code – 30-96-85
Account number – 47905260