Liverpool’s adult learners are top of the class
6 years ago

Adult learners in Liverpool are the highest achievers of any big city in the country – a new report has revealed.
End of year figures from the government’s National Achievement Rate Tables (NART), show that learners with the council’s Adult Learning Service outperform their counterparts across Merseyside and in other big cities such as Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds.
The NART results demonstrate that Liverpool’s learners have an overall achievement rate of 93 per cent. The next nearest city is Birmingham, with an achievement rate of 88 per cent.
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Achievement rates refer to the number of learners who have enrolled onto a course and then go on to gain a qualification.
The Adult Learning Service (ALS), run by Liverpool City Council, is also one of the best performing in terms of retention rates for students, with a figure of 95 per cent. Whilst the authority can boast an overall pass rate of nearly 98 per cent – the second highest of any of the core cities. Last year the council worked with more than 8,000 adult learners aged 19 or over at venues across the city.
The ALS offers many free taster sessions and course fees have been designed to be within everyone’s reach, with some costing as little as £10. In some cases funding may be available to help cover course costs and help with travel expenses, childcare and exam fees.
Through its Ways to Work programme, the ALS can also give learners support, advice and guidance with furthering their studies or finding a job. The service has been rated as ‘good’ by OFSTED, who in their last inspection noted that the ALS was ‘striving to be an outstanding provider’.