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Merseyside Police are hosting a community event today in Kirkby to bring locals together

3 years ago

Merseyside Police are hosting a community event today in Kirkby to bring locals together

Merseyside Police are holding a Kirkby Community Together Event today, Friday 26 August, from 11:00am to 3:00pm. The event is being held at Memorial Park (Wignall Park) in Southdene.

Whilst this event has been planned for some time, following the tragic incidents of the past week it is hoped, now more than ever, that this will be an opportunity for the local community, police, community leaders, businesses, youth centres and businesses to come together and showcase the strength of the community in Kirkby.

The will be filled with a variety of fun activities for all the family.

Many local businesses and groups will be supporting the event such as Everton In the Community, Merseyside Police mounted section, Morrisons, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Amazon, Cadets, Scouts, and local housing providers.

Some of the activities planned for the event include an Inflatable obstacle course, a DJ, and a BBQ.

In addition, there will be free bike marking with Bike Register taking place so bring along your bike and we will ensure it is registered. These are just a handful of the activities we have in store.

Inspector David Morgan from the Kirby Community Policing Team said:

“Kirkby is an area where there is a real sense of community with people going out of their way to look after each other. One of the aims when the dedicated Kirkby Policing Team was launched in January 2021 was to make sure that we had strong links with our partners and the community so we could tackle the issues which really matter to people.

“Today is very much a demonstration of that work and an opportunity for the community and our partners to come together and celebrate that strength of community.”

“We look forward to seeing as many people as possible to what should be a really fun day for all.”

Visit the Merseyside Police website here.


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