Merseyside Police continues lockdown regulations reminder after house party in Knowsley
4 years ago

Merseyside Police is continuing to remind people to abide by the current Coronavirus regulations after nine people were fined for attending a party in Knowsley.
Officers were called at 9.20pm on Saturday 9th January to a house in Wingate Road in Kirkby following reports of a large gathering.
Nine people present in the house, who were from different households, were issued with fixed penalty notices.
Knowsley Community Policing Chief Inspector Phil Mullally said:
“The country is currently in lockdown and the rules around what you are permitted to do have been made very clear by the government and there are no excuses for ignoring them.
“We have continued to remind people that they should not be leaving home apart from essential shopping, work and exercise and should not be meeting up with groups of people who are not part of their household or support bubble.
“We have all had to make sacrifices and not been able to meet up with our friends and extended family for significant birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and even funerals.
“Knowsley currently has very high number of cases of Coronavirus. These people have shown utter contempt for everyone else by choosing to ignore the rules and have potentially put themselves and their loved ones at risk by meeting up.
“We are not here to be killjoys and ruin people wanting to have a good time – we all want to be able to do that. But members of the public who are abiding by the rules are becoming increasingly frustrated when they see people choosing to flout the regulations and it’s important that we take action to deal with it.
“It’s also important that everyone realises that we all have a part to play in combatting the virus and ending the lockdown and it is essential that we all continue to abide by the rules to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and protect vulnerable people and the NHS.”