Merseyside Police launches campaign encouraging people to look out for each other during Eurovision celebrations
2 years ago

Merseyside Police has launched a campaign to encourage the public to look out for each other and help ensure the Eurovision Song Contest is a safe and enjoyable event for all.
The campaign also highlights the work of Project Servator and the variety of specialist resources used in this tactic, designed to disrupt a range of criminal activity, including terrorism, while providing a reassuring presence for the public.

Chief Superintendent Jonathan Davies at Merseyside Police is overseeing the policing operation around the Eurovision Song Contest – he said:
“Operational planning for the event has been underway since Liverpool’s winning bid was announced in October 2022.We have been working closely with partners including the BBC, ACC Liverpool and Liverpool City Council to prepare, and the vigilance campaign marks the next phase of the operation, which is about working together with the public
“Hosting the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of Ukraine is an amazing opportunity not only for the city of Liverpool but for Merseyside as a whole. Whether you are a fan of Eurovision or not, there is no escaping the fact that we will see a huge influx of people in Liverpool during the coming weeks.
“Merseyside Police is well-practised at planning for large events such as the Giants, the Labour Party Conference and numerous city-wide parades. We know that when the public act as our extra eyes and ears, it helps us keep the crowds drawn by these events safe.
“We are asking you all to look out for each other – if you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell staff or the police.

“The campaign has been designed in collaboration with Counter Terrorism Policing, who run similar campaigns at music festivals and venues, working with the music industry to encourage music lovers to Be Safe Be Sound.
“I can reassure the public that there is no specific threat relating to the Eurovision Song Contest, but we always prepare for any eventuality. Encouraging the public to stay alert and report anything that doesn’t feel right is a vital part of keeping people safe at any large event.
“We all have a part to play – our communities, our partners and the visitors that will soon arrive in the city from near and far. By working together, we can be united with the aim of seeing this year’s Eurovision Song Contest enjoyed by all, safely.”
As the event draws nearer, the public will see the vigilance campaign messaging in and around the city and on social media. They will also see an increased police and security presence, but they should not be alarmed by this. Some of these police patrols are Project Servator deployments, which have been used in Merseyside since 2018.
Chief Inspector Iain Wyke of Protective Security Operations at Merseyside Police said:
“These highly visible Project Servator deployments use specially trained uniform and plainclothes officers to spot the tell-tale signs that someone may have criminal intent, such as gathering information that may help them plan or prepare to commit a crime.
“The deployments are deliberately unpredictable, and officers can turn up anywhere at any time. They are supported by colleagues in other specialist roles including the Dog Section,Mounted Section, Armed Policing, and City Watch for round-the-clock monitoring of the CCTV network used across the force area.
“The Project Servator team is also linked in with our colleagues who police the transport hubs, including Liverpool John Lennon Airport, the bus network, and officers from British Transport Police (BTP) who police the rail network.
“Officers will encourage the public, including people working in local businesses, to be extra eyes and ears, and report anything that doesn’t feel right. We also ensure event security staff receive training in how to spot suspicious activity and what to do. The aim is to build a network of vigilance made up of business and community partners and the general public.

“If you do see a Project Servator deployment, there’s nothing to worry about. Feel free to talk to officers, they will be happy to explain what they are doing and how you can help keep people safe.”
Let’s look out for each other so residents and visitors alike can enjoy the Eurovision Song Contest, make the most of what the city has to offer and stay safe.
Remember, if you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell a member of staff or a police officer. Don’t assume someone else will do it. However insignificant you think something may be, trust your instincts and report it.
To report suspicious activity, call the police on 101. Suspicious activity is anything that seems out of place, unusual or does not seem to fit in with day-to-day life. If it is an emergency, always call 999.