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Merseyside Police use Scouse Pets Facebook page to reunite a dog with its owner

5 months ago

Merseyside Police use Scouse Pets Facebook page to reunite a dog with its owner
Merseyside Police New HQ

On Monday, 21 May, officers at Huyton Police Station were surprised when two members of the public presented with a lost dog they had found in the city centre. 

After around eight hours of calls and enquiries to local vets and shelters, and unable to find anyone to assist them, the concerned citizens turned to police for help.

Utilising the expertise of Merseyside Police’s Dogs Section, officers were quickly able to establish that the dog was not a banned breed and began the usual protocols for managing stray animals. 

However, like the members of the public who had brought the dog to them, officers were also unable to get in touch with other agencies for assistance. This led them to taking the unusual step of having a social media post put out on the ‘Scouse Pets 2’
Facebook page to try and find the owner. 

Happily, a friend of the owner saw the post, and was able to connect the owner with police. 

After providing the microchip reference number, dog and owner were happily reunited at Admiral Street Police Station. 

Find more information on the Merseyside Police website.

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