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Miller Homes North West team raises over £7,000 for Alder Hey

9 months ago

Miller Homes North West team raises over £7,000 for Alder Hey
Miller dragon boat Mighty Millers team raise money for Alder Hey

Miller Homes’ North West team has demonstrated remarkable dedication and community spirit by raising an impressive £7,962.00 for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

Headquartered on Birchwood Park Warrington, the team achieved the donation for Alder Hey through their participation in the company’s ‘Active April’ charity challenge.

Active April is a month-long step-count challenge initiated by Miller Homes to promote health and wellbeing among employees while supporting charitable causes.

Throughout April, employees across all 10 regions logged their steps, contributing not only to their personal fitness but also to the greater good of the community.

This year, the North West region collectively contributed 5,576,000 steps, far surpassing their initial target of five million steps. For each mile stepped, Miller Homes pledged £1 towards Alder Hey, resulting in a generous donation that will support research projects and innovations benefitting children across the UK and beyond.

Sunflower House - Alder Hey. Picture by Gareth Jones
Sunflower House – Alder Hey. Picture by Gareth Jones

Stuart Craig, Managing Director of Miller Homes North West, said:

“The overwhelming support and dedication shown by our team during Active April has been truly inspiring. We are thrilled to have surpassed our fundraising target and to have made a meaningful impact on the lives of those supported by Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.”

In addition to the substantial donation made during Active April, Miller Homes North West continued its fundraising efforts by participating in the Alder Hey Dragon Boat Festival on Saturday, May 18th at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre.

Dubbed ‘The Mighty Millers’, the North West Team secured 10th place overall out of 17 teams, raising a remarkable total of £2,350. This additional fundraising effort brings the full donation to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital to £7,962.

Miller Homes North West will continue fundraising efforts throughout the year, with the company pledging to match funds raised up to £10,000 per region.

In total, Miller Homes’ 10 regions collectively walked an impressive 82,228 miles and raised an outstanding £82,228 by the end of April for charities across the UK.

For more info on Alder Hey click here.

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