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St Helens

A new interactive experience lets you decide the verdict in a criminal trial

12 months ago

A new interactive experience lets you decide the verdict in a criminal trial
Credit: Murder Trial Live

You have been selected for jury service. The Murder Trial Live is coming soon to St Helens, the interactive experience sees you join a jury to determine the outcome of a criminal trial. 

Written and delivered by real criminal barristers the trial you will participate in is based on the true story of Dennis Nilsen & Jeffrey Dahmer.

You will meet the defendant Jack Brewer whom the prosecution believe brutally murdered over 20 people, even consuming part of their victims flesh. A vast array of forensic and post mortem evidence suggests that Brewer carefully plotted, abducted and murdered his victims in cold blood.

Credit: Murder Trial Live
Credit: Murder Trial Live

He now stands trial for the killings and you are the jury. 

The Murder Trial Live first toured the UK in 2018 offering the first ever social experiment where the UK jury  system was put on trial.

The former production company stopped trading in 2020 due to the COVID-19  pandemic restrictions. After processing over £200,000 in refunds, Showtour Ticketing now operates the live event and has invested over £500,000 in the upcoming show tour.

Taking place in a unique inflatable courtroom arena which boasts trendy street food vendors and a Prosecco and gin bar.

Find more information about The Murder Trial Live here.

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