New state-of-the-art children’s mental health facility to launch at Alder Hey
2 years ago

Sunflower House at Alder Hey will support children with mental health conditions
Children and young people with severe mental health issues can look forward to fantastic new facilities to support their care and recovery at Sunflower House, the new inpatient unit due to open soon at Alder Hey.
The urgent and growing crisis in mental health has increased demand for specialist inpatient care, as well as other mental health services. Sunflower House will be for those aged 5 to 13 years old from across the North who have the most challenging mental health conditions.
The new building, designed with children, has 12 bedrooms and a family bedroom, providing a safe, home from home environment. Also provided are a new therapy garden, a calming sensory room that can be used to prepare young people for outside life, an immersive room, a de-stimulation room, a safe kitchen environment to learn cooking and other life skills, group therapy rooms and classrooms with specialist teaching support to enable them to continue their education safely.

Child A’s* life was saved by Alder Hey after they tried to end their life three times before eventually being diagnosed with autism and an eating disorder. Child A’s mum said: “At Alder Hey, A was treated by many specialities including a one-to-one nurse, who they described as their ‘guardian angel’ as well as psychologists, psychiatrists, dieticians, occupational therapists and general paediatricians. It was the first time someone sat with us and listened to us properly. They asked me for my view. They asked A for her view. It was a partnership from the beginning. A partnership in helping a child and helping a parent. We learnt from each other. A is doing so well. There is no doubt in my mind that without Alder Hey, Child A wouldn’t be here. They saved my child and without the staff there I would have lost her.”
“The new Sunflower House will be amazing and will really help so many young people and their families. It is really needed and it’s great that it is next to the main Hospital.”
Read about the Netherton mum who became a nurse after being inspired by Alder Hey staff caring for her daughter – Read the article here.
Lisa Cooper, Director of Community and Mental Health Services at Alder Hey said:
“Sunflower House gives children and young people a secure and safe environment and access to the very best facilities and care as soon as possible. This will support children and young people to achieve their greatest potential at a time of great crisis in their lives.”
Alder Hey Children’s Charity has raised £3m towards Sunflower House, to create a homely feel and deliver state of the art treatments for the children and young people there.
Louise Shepherd, Alder Hey’s Chief Executive said:
“We are extremely proud that we will now have a dedicated mental health inpatient Unit at the heart of our Children’s healthcare campus that befits the dedication and care our wonderful staff provide. We are truly grateful to our Charity and everyone who donated to the ‘7in10’ appeal. That funding has been central to us creating a Unit with our Children and Young People that is warm and welcoming, with state-of-the-art facilities to support them in their recovery.
“More and more children are seeking help and support for mental health conditions and together with our new Catkin Centre, Sunflower House will enable us to give them the help and treatment they need and that they absolutely deserve.”