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On Stage with Pete Price: What’s on in Liverpool’s theatres this month, a curtesy to Pamela Anderson and a giggle with Crissy Rock

4 weeks ago

On Stage with Pete Price: What’s on in Liverpool’s theatres this month, a curtesy to Pamela Anderson and a giggle with Crissy Rock

Pete Price has a new regular column here on The Guide Liverpool, and its all about the city’s theatres.

Each month Liverpool legend Pete Price lifts the curtain and takes you into the spotlight of Liverpool’s best theatres.

Not only will Pete Price look at the shows on right now that you should see, he’ll look ahead to let you know what’s coming while also re-living some of his – and the city’s – favourite moments on stage from years gone by. 

Pete’s never short of an anecdote or an opinion, so here are the shows and stars that have got him talking in February …

What I’ve seen this week

I wasn’t a Shakespeare fan, but I love what they’re doing with Shakespeare these days and I think he would be thrilled because it’s keeping his work alive for a whole new audience.  Merchant of Venice 1936 at the Playhouse got an instant standing ovation and I thought it was tremendous. I loved seeing Shylock played by a woman, Tracy-Ann Oberman took my breath away and her passion gave me goosebumps. What we saw was dark and cold and frightening in parts because it showed what was happening with the rise of fascism in England in the 1930s. I believe it could happen again, just like it did in Merchant of Venice, so it felt very today. 

Book tickets to see Merchant of Venice 1936 at the Playhouse HERE.

What’s coming up

I’ll definitely be going to Rita Sue & Bob Too at St Helens Theatre Royal and when it’s at the Floral Pavilion at the end of the month because it’s such a great night. I remember when it first came out how revolutionary it was because it’s so rude, so over the top but also very funny. It’s timeless because it’s all about discovering sex but I’d say to anybody who’s easily offended, do NOT even think about it!

Book tickets to see Rita, Sue and Bob Too HERE.

Another big one I’m looking forward to is doing An Audience with Les Dennis at Shakespeare North on the 15th. It’s going to be a fun experience going through Les’s life, talking about everything, and it’ll be easy to interview him because I’m a fan as well as a mate. I’ve known Les since he was 16 or 17, he was one of my comics, and we must be best mates because I’ve been to all his weddings! 

Book tickets for An Audience with Les Dennis HERE.

For a giggle

Crissy Rock is doing three dates at Hot Water Comedy in Blackstock Market, Feb 13-15, and for me she takes comedy to another level. We go way back and I think she’s one of the most under-rated comedians in this country. She’s doing a one-woman show on tour this year, that’s in two parts. She comes on and uses the physical and mental abuse she’s had in her life as part of her act in the first part, but then she’ll throw a funny line in to bring you into comedy. The second part of the show is all gags and it’s incredibly clever the way it works. I think she’s an amazing woman.

Book tickets to see Crissy Rock HERE.

Sharing the spotlight 

Pete Price On Stage - Liverpool Theatre News - The Guide Liverpool - Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson’s film The Last Showgirl opens in Feb and she’s been getting fabulous reviews. I did panto at the Empire with her in 2010, she was the genie of the lamp in Aladdin. When she arrived, we had to line up on stage to meet her, like meeting the Queen. I actually curtsied and she laughed and went ‘I like you.’ I remember how absolutely stunning she was without make-up, which is why I love that she’s going without make-up on the red carpets now. She wasn’t on stage long but in one scene she came down in a Vivienne Westwood costume that left nothing to the imagination. There were lots of dads and grandads with kids wanting to watch that panto!

For more from local legend Pete Price listen to In Demand Decades this Sunday at 10pm as he makes his radio return.

Get the latest there news for Liverpool HERE.


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