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Quit smoking with Smoke Free Sefton this Valentine’s Day

1 month ago

Quit smoking with Smoke Free Sefton this Valentine’s Day
Quit smoking. Image: Shutterstock

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, Sefton Council is encouraging smokers to show some love for themselves and their loved ones by making a life-changing decision – quitting smoking.

A new campaign featuring a broken, heart-shaped ashtray is urging people to “Give the gift of a healthier you” by reaching out to Smoke Free Sefton for support.

Adverts will be displayed across the borough and on digital platforms, encouraging people to take the first step toward a smoke-free life.

Smoke Free Sefton can offer smokers weekly advice tailored to their needs. They also receive support from a Specialist Practitioner who will help them plan and manage their efforts to give up.

It is a vape and e-cigarette friendly service and can offer a choice of stop smoking medications as well. The Smoke Free Sefton team work alongside the NHS, local pharmacies, and other organisations to support people’s journeys to quitting.

Cllr Mhairi Doyle, Sefton Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing said:

“Although the overall numbers of people in England who smoke has reduced, it remains higher across the North West where around one out of every eight people smokes.

“The cold fact is that no matter who they are, tobacco kills up to half of the people who use it, making smoking the main cause of early preventable death throughout the world.

“We know it’s not easy to quit smoking, but with his campaign, we are encouraging people to think of themselves, their families and friends and start on the road to  quitting with Smoke Free Sefton.”

Credit: Smoke Free Sefton / Sefton Council
Credit: Smoke Free Sefton / Sefton Council

When people contact them, Smoke Free Sefton take time to understand their journey with smoking. This unique approach helps the team provide them with a personalised plan and help them work towards their goal of becoming smoke-free.

They also recognise that switching to vaping can be a beneficial step that deliver smokers nicotine without traditional cigarettes’ harmful tar and toxic chemicals. An they know that Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and specialised medications can help to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making the journey to quitting easier.

Cllr Doyle added:

“Recent research by a team at by a team at University College London found that the most successful methods for quitting include getting using support services like those Smoke Free Sefton can offer.

“These are much more likely to be work than relying on willpower or over-the-counter products such as gum and patches.

“So, we are urging people to take that first step and visit or call them on  0300 100 1000.

“Nothing says I love you like showing some love to yourself.”



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