Scouse Instagram memes that never get old
6 years ago

The Scouse sense of humour is world class.
If you’re not wasting valuable time trawling through social media, buzzing off, tagging your mates in and sharing hysterical memes, who actually are you? Since the dawn of time, us Liverpool lads and girls have loved a proper good laugh and the birth of Instagram has allowed us to capture and share our amazing sense of humour with the world. It’s even more funny when people from outside the L postcodes don’t get it!
As with a lot of Scouse humour, it’s going to get a bit sweary, so if you’re easily offended it might be best to not scroll down! Don’t miss out though, for the best mid week entertainment in Liverpool. From the best of the works WhatsApp groups to a Home & Bargain legend and Scouse girls who tell it like it is…
Here’s 9 of the best Scouse Instagram posts that just never get old….
1 – Nabzy’s is the One!
When it comes to red salted chips and service with a smile, it has to be Nabzy’s.
2 – Ahhh Hey Dot!
Scousers can turn their hand to anything. Doesn’t always mean we should though.
3 – Cray Cray at the K
If you know, you know. A belter from Independent Liverpool.
4 – Who Runs the World…Not today Babe
Scouse Ma is fast becoming a spokeswoman of the people, in particular girls who are just sick of your sh*t. Legend.
5 – The Lids
One of the most fascinating transitions in nature, captured in a single meme. Fluorescent Adolescents right there.
6 – Hiya….oh
How many times have you gone to let on to this massive snitch? Bravo Home and Bargain, gets us every time.
7 – Oh PopWorld
It’s all fun and games til you’ve got your arm up your back and your face down in a pool of Team American proportion vom on Wood Street.
8 – King of the Birko Nosh Monsters
This. Is. Everything. We’re secretly already hoping for 4 more years purely for the lolz and if not, well we’ll make our own entertainment!
9 – Ket Wigs Though?!
Totally accurate representation from every row of shops with an offy, on any night of the week. Get back to 6th form you little meffs.