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St John’s Gardens safety improvement with new lighting CCTV and speaker system

12 months ago

St John’s Gardens safety improvement with new lighting CCTV and speaker system

New lighting, CCTV and a speaker system have been installed in St John’s Gardens in Liverpool city centre following a successful funding bid by Merseyside Police.

As part of ongoing efforts with partners to reduce criminal activity and serious violence in the gardens, the force applied for funding from the Home Office and this has now helped pay for a number of safety improvements.

This includes new CCTV cameras, lighting and a dedicated speaker system to link into Liverpool City Council’s Citywatch to deter offenders and announce crime prevention advice. 

From April 2023 to February 2024, we have seen a 50% reduction in incidents of serious violence in this area compared with the same period in the previous year.

Sergeant Carol McCartney from Local Policing said:

“We want local residents and visitors to Liverpool to feel safe at all times and St John’s Gardens has been a key part of our focus.

“We have been working closely with colleagues at Liverpool City Council and we are now pleased to make these improvements at St John’s Gardens.

“As a force, we will explore all possibilities to help reduce crime and this includes applying for funding opportunities.

“The new CCTV, lighting and speaker system have been installed as part of our ongoing efforts to prevent offences taking place in the gardens and also to provide reassurance to members of the public.

“Criminal activity and serious violence will not be tolerated and we take every report extremely seriously.

“We also carry out regular dedicated hotspot policing patrols with uniformed and plain clothes officers from various departments including neighbourhood, targeted and R&P. Officers from Operation Interface within our Prevention team have also patrolled the gardens, with a focus on preventing, educating and protecting the Merseyside community from serious violence and knife crime.

“We also work closely with partners in the vicinity of the gardens completing our ‘Cuppa with a Copper’ community surgery events regularly at local cafés, the World Museum and Central Library, where the public can speak to officers and raise any concerns.

“The team have also completed regular walkabouts with councillors and members of the community in and around the gardens to understand any issues, discuss ways to improve safety and to reassure visitors and increase visibility.

“Alongside the Police and Crime Commissioner, we have also funded a new Youth Outreach team, Positive Pathways, in the city centre to build purposeful relationships with youths. This has been up and running since April 2023 and ultimately aims to also reduce levels of anti-social behaviour. We know the gardens are used by youths, so the team have also actively patrolled this area to interact with young people.”

Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Streetscene, said: “These moves to improve security in St Johns Gardens are hugely welcome news and I’d like to thank Merseyside Police for their efforts on this. 

“Liverpool city centre prides itself on being a safe place but there have been issues at the gardens. It was vital these measures have been introduced quickly to reassure people that every effort is being made to ensure they can continue to enjoy this wonderful green space.”

Anyone with information about a crime in St John’s Gardens is asked to contact @MerPolCC on Twitter or ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook. You can also call 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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