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The Peace Doves attracts 60k visitors to Liverpool Cathedral in its first month

4 years ago

The Peace Doves attracts 60k visitors to Liverpool Cathedral in its first month

Liverpool Cathedral’s Peace Doves has attracted over 60,000 visitors in its first month bringing an estimated £1.4 million to the local economy.

The artwork, created by renowned sculptor and artist Peter Walker, features over 18,000 paper doves suspended from the roof of the Cathedral, accompanied by a soundscape from composer David Harper.

It is the latest in a series of popular, art installations to be staged at the Cathedral over recent years. In 2018, over 60,000 visitors, saw Museum of the Moon, a 23ft replica of the moon and in 2019, a further 180,000 came to see ‘Gaia’, a giant earth. Both artworks were created by renowned British artist Luke Jerram.

Dean of Liverpool, Dr Sue Jones said:

“When we re-opened to visitors in May, we wanted to come back with something which our worshippers and visitors could enjoy and experience as a small gift to the city – after the terrible fifteen months the world has just been through.  It is great to see that the Peace Doves has struck a chord with so many in the first few weeks.

She added: “It was particularly important that we put on this installation on now, since so many thousands of people during the past year or so had taken the time to write their hopes and prayers on the wings of the doves and those words at this time have undoubtedly added to the poignancy and beauty of this unique installation.”

Picture by Gareth Jones

Peter Sandman, Head of Visitor Economy, Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) said:

“It’s wonderful to see how Peace Doves has captured the public’s imagination in its first few weeks. Liverpool Cathedral is one of the City Region’s major visitor assets and this installation clearly demonstrates the cathedral’s continued importance and appeal as we move towards recovery.”

Picture by Gareth Jones

Peace Doves runs until 30 August, 2021, with a series of further special events, including talks, music, yoga and the chance to dine under the doves.

As well as Peace Doves, visitors to the Cathedral can also view the return of the popular Angel Wings moving light projection, created by Luxmuralis.

Visitors can take photos and videos in front of the shoulder height, angel wings which pulsate and change colour to a curated soundtrack.

Another new, interactive art installation on display is Peace to Ourselves. Visitors are asked to place a button inside the shape of a giant dove and take a moment to contemplate the past year and remember those who have lost their lives.

There are also a series of Quiet Hours for those who might find crowds daunting, for example, someone who has an autism spectrum condition or sensory processing differences.

Due to COVID regulations, bookings must be made in advance to view the installation.

To book your slot visit Liverpool Cathedral’s website here for updates and a full listing of all the special events.


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