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The Queen’s state funeral latest

2 years ago

The Queen’s state funeral latest

All eyes were on London for the Queen’s state funeral.

VIPs, dignitaries and mourners gathered in the capital to say a final farewell to the late monarch, who died at Balmoral in Scotland on September 8 aged 96.


The King appeared emotional as those in attendance at St George’s Chapel sang the national anthem.

Charles sat in the same seat the Queen had used for the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral during the Covid-19 pandemic.


The service ended with the Sovereign Piper playing the lament A Salute To The Royal Fendersmith from the doorway between the chapel and the dean’s cloister, with the music gradually fading away as he walked towards the deanery.

The Archbishop of Canterbury then concluded the service with a blessing before the congregation sang the national anthem.


The Queen’s coffin has been seen in public for the last time after being lowered into the Royal Vault at St George’s Chapel in Windsor

As the coffin was lowered, the Dean of Windsor recited Psalm 103, which includes the traditional line: “Go forth upon thy journey from this world, O Christian soul”.

He also offered the commendation – a prayer in which the deceased is entrusted to God’s mercy.

The Garter King of Arms then pronounced the styles and titles of the Queen.


The final hymn was sung as the King prepared to drape the Queen’s Company Camp Colour of the Grenadier Guards on the coffin.

Once in place, the colour was accompanied by the Lord Chamberlain’s Wand of Office, which he symbolically broke.

The purpose of breaking the wand is to create a symmetry with the three Instruments of State that had been removed from the coffin.


The Duke of Sussex and Princess Charlotte shared a moment during the service at St George’s Chapel.

Princess Charlotte was seen adjusting her hat before looking over at her uncle.

Harry then briefly looked up and caught her eye and smiled at the princess.


The Dean of Windsor, the Rev David Conner, gave a reading from Revelation 21.1-7 during the service.

The same passage was read at the funerals of the Queen’s father King George VI in 1952 and her grandparents, King George V in 1936, and Queen Mary in 1953.

The reading ends with: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.”


The Imperial State Crown, the Orb and the Sceptre have been removed from the coffin by the Crown Jeweller.

With the Bargemaster and Serjeants-at-Arms present, they were passed to the Dean to place on the altar of St George’ Chapel.

The removal of the crown from the coffin to the altar is poignant, because in 1953 the crown was taken from the altar in Westminster Abbey and placed on the Queen’s head, marking the start of a 70-year reign.


Princess Charlotte sat between the Duke of Sussex and her mother the Princess of Wales on the front bench on one side of St George’s Chapel.

The Prince of Wales sat on the end of the row next to his son Prince George, followed by the Princess of Wales, Charlotte, and then Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex.


The bearer party was once again the same members of the Queen’s Company 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards.

The procession entered the chapel and the coffin was taken along the centre aisle of the nave to the catafalque in the quire.


The service began with the choir singing Psalm 121, set to music by Sir Henry Walford Davies, who previously served as an organist of the chapel.

Over a number of years, the Queen was involved in discussions about the order of service for her funeral, to approve the choice of prayers, hymns and other accompanying music.

Following the psalm, which includes the line “the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil”, the choristers move on to sing The Russian Contakion Of The Departed, which was also performed at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral in April last year.


The King has lead his family into St George’s Chapel behind the coffin of his mother borne by eight pallbearers.


The gruelling job of guarding the Queen’s funeral procession faced by thousands of police officers and military personnel took its toll with a number collapsing on duty.

Three military personnel had to be assisted by colleagues after appearing to get into difficulty by Wellington Arch shortly before 2pm.

One appeared to collapse to the ground after the royal family had left, while two others were also seen being helped away before and after the transfer of the Queen’s coffin to the state hearse by the monument.

At Hyde Park Barracks another member of military personnel stumbled and was taken away by a colleague.

Earlier in the day, a police officer on duty just off Parliament Square was photographed being carried away on a stretcher by Naval personnel after collapsing.


The crowds who had gathered along The Long Walk spoke of their emotion at seeing the Queen return to Windsor, one of her favourite royal homes.

Retired teacher Susan Luppetti, 72, who came from Somerset to see the coffin procession, said: “I did not expect it to be so emotional when it went past. It is the ending an era.

“What surprised me is how everyone went silent. It felt very personal and it did not feel like a state funeral at all.

“The silence was wonderful and to see that level of respect was quite amazing.”

Her daughter Janine Boyce, 44, from Maidenhead, said: “I felt very nervous when you could hear the soldiers and the sound of the horses coming nearer. It was all a very historic moment but it was also a very personal moment.”


The Queen’s beloved corgis Muick and Sandy and one of her favourite horses made a special poignant appearance at Windsor during the procession.

The young dogs – one on a red lead and one on a blue lead – were brought out into the quadrangle by two pages in red tailcoats for the arrival of the Queen’s coffin.

Emma, the Queen’s fell pony, had greeted the procession, standing on grass in a gap in the floral tributes along the Long Walk in honour of her late owner.


The King and other members of the Royal Family have re-joined the funeral procession behind the Queen’s coffin.

Charles, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex were among those who met the procession at the Quadrangle, as it moves towards Engine Court.

Minute Guns are being fired by The King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery from a position on the East Lawn as the coffin heads in the direction of the West Steps of St George’s Chapel.

One appeared to collapse to the ground after the royal family had left, while two others were also seen being helped away before and after the transfer of the Queen’s coffin to the state hearse by the monument.

At Hyde Park Barracks another member of military personnel stumbled and was taken away by a colleague.

Earlier in the day, a police officer on duty just off Parliament Square was photographed being carried away on a stretcher by Naval personnel after collapsing.


The King has lead his family into St George’s Chapel behind the coffin of his mother borne by eight pallbearers.


The gruelling job of guarding the Queen’s funeral procession faced by thousands of police officers and military personnel took its toll with a number collapsing on duty.

Three military personnel had to be assisted by colleagues after appearing to get into difficulty by Wellington Arch shortly before 2pm.


The crowds who had gathered along The Long Walk spoke of their emotion at seeing the Queen return to Windsor, one of her favourite royal homes.

Retired teacher Susan Luppetti, 72, who came from Somerset to see the coffin procession, said: “I did not expect it to be so emotional when it went past. It is the ending an era.

“What surprised me is how everyone went silent. It felt very personal and it did not feel like a state funeral at all.

“The silence was wonderful and to see that level of respect was quite amazing.”

The Castle’s Sebastopol and Curfew Tower bells also tolled as the State Hearse continued its journey.


Crowds flooded up the hill to follow the Queen’s coffin as it reached the end of the Long Walk in Windsor and entered the grounds of the castle.

Gentle claps rippled through the thousands of people as the coffin passed by.

This was followed by loud celebratory applause and cheers as the remainder of the procession passed through the gates.


The state hearse has arrived at Windsor Castle as the procession of the Queen’s coffin down the Long Walk was led by the Dismounted Detachment of the Household Cavalry Regiment, the 1st Division of the Sovereign’s Escort and massed pipes and drums.


The Queen’s family have gathered in St George’s Chapel ahead of the arrival of the coffin.

Mike and Zara Tindall were seen arriving with her brother’s children Savannah and Isla Phillips and their eldest daughter Lena, while Zara’s cousins Lady Louise and Viscount Severn were sitting inside together.


Millions of people around the world have watched the Queen’s funeral on television, including British actor and comedian Stephen Fry who said he watched from a New York hotel room at 3am.

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay shared a photo of the Queen in a bright pink outfit and wished her farewell, writing on Twitter: “The very definition of an inspiration, who touched the lives of us all.”


Dozens of members of staff gathered outside Buckingham Palace to bid farewell to the Queen they served on her final journey.

Palace employees filed out of the royal residence and lined up outside its gates. When the procession reached Buckingham Palace, employees bowed and curtsied.

Many stood with their hands clasped in front of them, with some dressed in black and others wearing uniforms such as chef’s whites with black armbands.

There are a variety of roles within the royal household, spanning from HR and finance professionals to curators and chefs.


Back in London, the Ministry of Defence has shared a striking image of the state gun carriage moving across Horse Guards Parade on its way to Wellington Arch earlier.


The crowds fell silent as the state hearse carrying the Queen’s coffin turned into the Long Walk in the final stretch of her journey to Windsor Castle.

The hearse is travelling in procession to St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle via the Long Walk, which is lined by members of the armed forces.

The crowds, made up of people of all ages, who flanked the Long Walk, fell quiet as the sound of drummers in the procession grew louder.

Children were lifted on adults’ shoulders and camera phones were raised in the air as people struggled to get a glimpse of the scene.


The clean-up has already begun in London, with barriers being removed from the roadsides and street sweepers at work.


The congregation in St George’s Chapel stood as His Majesty’s Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms and The King’s Body Guard of the Yeoman of the Guard took up their positions in the nave.

Before that, mourners stood as the Canons of Windsor, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York made their way out to the West Steps.

Among the guests are former prime minister Tony Blair and wife Cherie.


London Mayor Sadiq Khan tweeted: “I want to thank the hundreds of thousands who came to London today and in the past week to pay their respects to Her Majesty The Queen.

“Countless police officers, emergency service staff, transport workers, volunteers, stewards, military, civil servants, local government, businesses, charities and other agencies have worked tirelessly to make this possible in our city.

“My sincerest thanks to everyone involved.”


Adventurer Bear Grylls, who attended the funeral service in his capacity as Chief Scout, tweeted: “It’s a day we will never forget … a truly beautiful testament to our nation’s Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

“Rest in peace. Your duty done. Long live King Charles…”


Penny Lancaster has described working as a special police constable during the Queen’s funeral as “the biggest honour.”

The TV presenter and former model, who is married to Sir Rod Stewart, was one of the 15,000 police officers working the funeral procession in London on Monday.

Special Constable Lancaster, who joined City of London Police in April 2021, was on the barriers near Queen Victoria’s Memorial where she made sure the public remained safe during the procession and offered advice to them about exiting the Mall as part of her duties.



The hearse carrying the Queen has arrived in Windsor, with a procession including a military band forming up for the slow march into the Berkshire town where the monarch spent much of the past few years during lockdown.

A committal service will be held in St George’s Chapel at 4pm.


As the hearse approached Windsor, the Long Walk to the castle was lined on either side by members of the armed forces standing in front of the well-wishers who had gathered since the early morning.

Three generations of one family had gathered and said they were feeling “emotional” moments before they were due to watch the Queen’s final journey through Windsor.

Ten-year-old Isabelle Dauncey, who was with seven family members, said she cried at home in Maidenhead, Berkshire, before she set off with her parents and grandparents.

She told PA: “I was a bit upset this morning, I cried quite a lot, it’s quite emotional but it’s also a good thing that we can have a King.”

Speaking about seeing the Queen’s final journey, her father, Steve Dauncey, a 36-year-old sales consultant, said: “It’s a great event to celebrate both their reign and an opportunity to see such a diversity of people coming together, united for the same cause of celebration but also mourning – it’s really special.”


The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead says the Berkshire town is very busy as the Queen’s hearse nears.

It said The Long Walk leading to Windsor Castle is now closed as it would not be safe to allow access to any more visitors to view the Queen’s coffin being drive to St George’s Chapel.

Visitors are being redirected to Home Park, where this are big screens.


The Royal Standard has been raised above Windsor Castle, signifying that King Charles has arrived at the royal residence ahead of the committal service for the Queen.


Sonia Cove, a 54-year-old secretary from Bedford, travelled to London with her 16-year-old daughter to watch the Queen’s funeral procession.

She said: “It was amazing, I think the British put on such a show to see all the military personnel marching in step and to hear the music was really moving.

“The amount of people that have been here since really early this morning just shows how much the Queen was loved by everybody.”

When asked why she decided to come and see the funeral procession in person, Ms Cove said: “Our friend that we came with said yesterday ‘on the television you can watch it but you can’t feel it. When you’re here, you feel it’. And that’s the difference.

“You can’t get that at home when you’re sitting at home.”

They got on the train at 6.15am on Monday and travelled to London.

Ms Cove said: “Everyone’s been so friendly, we’ve been sharing battery packs for phones and food and sweets and drinks. It’s been a lovely friendly atmosphere.”

Her daughter, Lauren Cove, said: “I can say in loads of years time ‘oh I saw that, oh I went to that’, it’s just nice.”


Members of the armed forces are standing guard outside St James’ Park station to prevent it being overwhelmed by well-wishers making their way home.

Three men in army fatigues prevented passers-by from walking in, while at least five others were seen buying coffee in the Starbucks opposite.

While some mourners appeared frustrated with the disruption, one man picked up his dog to pose for a photograph with a soldier.


Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska said in a tweet it was a “great honour” to be the Queen’s funeral.

“She wished us better times and shared our desire for freedom. We will always remember it with deep gratitude,” she said.


Noreen Roberts, who watched the procession in London after losing her friend on the same day the Queen died, said she had imagined them in heaven together after the coffin was borne along The Mall.

Ms Roberts, 63, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, said she had felt the late monarch’s presence as the cortege passed.

“I definitely felt her presence today. It was nice to feel close to her one last time,” she said.

“For such a little person she had this huge presence.

“I lost my friend on the same day she died and I can imagine the two of them up there at the pearly gates.”


People queued for hours on South Carriage Drive in a bid to see the Queen’s coffin. Many had tried to line the funeral procession route but were unable to gain access.

Jonathan and Heidi Johnson, both 73, from Worthing, stood for four hours to catch a glimpse of the coffin.

Mrs Johnson said: “I felt it was our duty to come. We have had another monarch but she has been our Queen since we were three.

“I have plates with her picture on and have followed her. I thought she was wonderful.”

Mr Johnson added: “She did us proud.”

Colette O’Hart, originally from County Sligo in Ireland, who lives in Pimlico, south London, stood for three hours to try to see the coffin.

The 86-year-old said: “Everyone was very respectful. I wanted to come because she was such a very good woman – always cheerful and a hard worker, even at the very end.”


Former US president Barack Obama has paid tribute to the Queen’s “kindness and consideration” as he recalled his meetings with the monarch.

In a video posted to Twitter, Mr Obama said the first time he met the Queen she reminded him of his grandmother, when she “could not have been more kind or thoughtful” to him and his wife, Michelle.

“Which surprised me not just in appearance but also in manner… (she was) very gracious but also no nonsense, (with a) wry sense of humour,” he said.

On another occasion Mr Obama described, his wife and two daughters were invited to tea at Buckingham Palace and later driven in the Queen’s golden carriage around the grounds – a moment that he said “left a mark in my daughters’ lives that’s still there”.

In another meeting, a state dinner in 2011 at Buckingham Palace, Mr Obama said the Queen was “dressed up quite a bit” which was concerning for Mrs Obama who had selected a “small, modest broach” of “nominal value” as a gift for the Queen.

However the following evening at a dinner at the US Embassy the Queen was wearing the then First Lady’s broach, in a moment Mr Obama said “was an example of the subtle thoughtfulness that she consistently displayed, not just to us but to everybody she interacted with”.

“The combination of a sense of duty and a clear understanding of her role as a symbol for her nation and as the carrier of a certain set of values, combined with a very human quality of kindness and consideration I think that’s what made her so beloved not just in Great Britain but around the world,” Mr Obama concluded.


Alexandra Cussons, 28, said the crowd in central London watching the procession had been full of mother and daughter pairs, which illustrated the Queen’s importance as a matriarch.

Ms Cussons along with her mother Sheila Martin, both from London, befriended another pair, Clare Ronai and Lister Bolton, in the crowd.

She said she had been brought to tears when the service commenced and was comforted by Ms Ronai, also from London.

“(The Queen) was in a sense an icon for women and mothers,” Ms Cussons said.

Ms Ronai, an account manager, said: “Everything went really quiet when the service started and then when the hymn started you could not only hear the audio from the abbey, but a murmur through the crowd who were singing along, which was incredibly emotional, and I think started the tears for me.

“People were hugging all around us and crying.”


The coffin procession heads down the Mall towards Wellington Arch before the Queen was transferred to a hearse for the drive to Windsor.


Dr Caroline Harper, chief executive of the charity Sightsavers, of which the Queen was patron, was inside Westminster Abbey for the funeral.

She told the PA news agency the atmosphere inside was sombre “but also one of community”.

She added: “One of the most special moments was when the Queen arrived accompanied by pipers.

“You could just hear the pipers getting closer and closer. It was an incredible atmosphere, with people bowing their heads. It was very moving.”


The streets of London were lined with mourners and well-wishers as the hearse made its journey to Windsor.

There appeared to be few gaps along the roadside as the public paid their respects to the late monarch.


Last-minute travellers are continuing to pour out of Windsor and Eton Riverside Station to catch the final journey of the Queen’s coffin through the Berkshire town.

Hundreds of people were flooding out of the station at 2pm, joining the thousands already lining the streets.


Mourners have started to arrive at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, where a committal service will be held at 4pm.


Three military personnel had to be assisted by colleagues after appearing to get into difficulty by Wellington Arch.

One appeared to collapse to the ground after the royal family had left, while two others were also seen being helped away before and after the transfer of the Queen’s coffin to the state hearse by the monument.


Television presenter Dan Walker has shared a newspaper cartoonist’s drawing of an elderly man watching the Queen’s funeral on the television while glancing at an empty chair beside him.

Walker wrote: “I spoke to a woman on my way into work today still grieving the loss of someone in her own family.

“Today has brought it all back. Funerals are hard. We can all look out for the lonely”


Thousands of mourners clapped and waved Union flags as a marching band paraded down the Long Walk in Windsor.

Dressed in official regalia, the band was led by officials on horseback as they marched from Windsor Castle down the pathway ahead of the Queen’s final journey through Windsor.

Outside the viewing areas, crowds struggled to catch a glimpse of the hearse carrying the Queen’s coffin to Windsor.

Despite requests from security guards, members of the public cut holes in netting, clambered up railings and pressed themselves into holly bushes along the edge of Hyde Park as the funeral cortege passed by.


The Queen’s coffin was gently placed into the state hearse before a sea of colourful military personnel, bands, and some cavalry gathered around Wellington Arch.

The transfer from the gun carriage to the vehicle took place in a still silence as the King, the Queen Consort and other senior members of the royal family stood to its side just metres away.

Charles and Camilla could be seen leaning their heads together to exchange a few words at one point.

Princess Charlotte, stood between her parents the Prince and Princess of Wales, clasped her mother’s hand.

The King and military personnel all saluted as the state hearse pulled away and the national anthem was played.

As the Queen continued on her final journey out of London, cheers could be heard from the distant park crowds.


Applause and a spontaneous three cheers broke out as the Queen’s coffin passed the Albert Memorial in Kensington in its way to Windsor.

As the hearse drove off flowers were thrown into the road by members of the public watching from behind a fence.

Others waved Union flags as the fleet of vehicles drove past.

Following the departure of the coffin and the royal family, the bells at Westminster Abbey began to ring out.

The muffled peal will continue throughout the afternoon, which only occurs after the funeral of a sovereign.


The packed crowds at Whitehall have now mostly cleared, after police and stewards opened the barrier along Parliament Street and allowed the public to head towards the Thames and Westminster Bridge.

A significant crowd had built up, with people attempting to cross the street through the Westminster underground system before the barrier was opened.


Members of the Blues and Royals and The King’s Life Guards, the regiments of the Household Cavalry, lined up outside Hyde Park Barracks on South Carriage Drive.

Senior offices gave the salute as the hearse carrying the Queen’s coffin drove past and the troops stood to attention.

Meanwhile thousands of people lined the street next to Hyde Park.

Mourners waved flags, threw flowers and many gave the coffin a round of applause as the hearse slowly drove past.


There were shouts of “open the road” as police faced questions from spectators about the exit system from Whitehall.

Frustrations have grown in the last view minutes, amid conflicting reports of exit routes and when the roads in the vicinity of Whitehall are reopening.

People are now entering the Westminster underground station, at the corner of Parliament Square, but a significant crowd remains in the area.


Robert Scott and Fiona Russell, both 53, from Camden in North London, said that the Queen’s funeral procession was both sad and upbeat.

The pair had come to see Mr Scott’s brother Stan Scott, who was performing in the Band and Bugle of the Rifles.

Mr Scott said: “(The procession) was very complex but very moving. It was special for me because my brother was in the first band that set off.

“Seeing the gun carriage with the coffin pulled by the sailors was the absolute pinnacle.”

Ms Russell said: “It felt fairly upbeat. It wasn’t as solemn as I expected. The sad part was seeing the Queen’s coffin with the crown on top.

“I didn’t really notice (the royals walking) as I was fixed on the coffin. It was too much to take in. I wasn’t too bothered about seeing them, I was here for the Queen. She was amazing.”


As the hearse left Wellington Arch, the national anthem was sung while the vehicle was given the royal salute by members of the military parade.

The King, the Queen Consort and members of the royal family are following the hearse to Windsor by car, ahead of the procession to St George’s Chapel where a committal ceremony will take place from 4pm.


A significant crowd remains in Whitehall, with police officers on the scene trying to manage the situation as bottlenecks build up in several areas.

Many in the crowd have complained about a lack of information regarding exits, with some growing frustrated at still being effectively kept at the scene long after the procession has ended.


The Queen’s coffin has been transferred to the State Hearse at Wellington Arch ahead of beginning its journey to Windsor for a committal ceremony later this afternoon.

Members of the royal family watched on as the bearer party lifted the coffin from the State Gun Carriage and loaded it into the back of the vehicle.

Much of the procession party lined up in formation on the green next to the monument and stood in silence during the moving of the coffin.


The procession has arrived at Wellington Arch, with the Queen’s coffin now being transferred to a hearse for a drive to Windsor.


As many members of the funeral congregation departed Westminster Abbey on foot and headed towards waiting buses, a motorcade of vehicles with the US presidential seal left the area shortly after 1.10pm, driving down Millbank.


Mourners lining the barriers on Constitution Hill waved red and white roses as the Queen’s coffin passed them.

The King, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex appeared solemn as they walked behind.

Princess Charlotte looked out at the crowds of people lining the street as she rode past in a car with the Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales and her brother Prince George.

The Duchess of Sussex and the Countess of Wessex both appeared sombre in a vehicle directly behind.

Following them, Princess Eugenie and and Princess Beatrice waved and smiled at mourners from a third car.


The Queen’s coffin was taken past Buckingham Palace for the final time as it travelled towards Wellington Arch.

Preceded by members of the armed forces, her coffin was taken clockwise around the Victoria Memorial on a gun carriage drawn by naval ratings.

Staff members from the Palace said their final goodbyes as the late monarch moved by, standing with their hands clasped and heads bowed.


Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said: “It was the honour of a lifetime, and among its saddest moments, to preach at the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose hope and faith in Jesus Christ inspired her servant leadership.”


The crowd along the Mall broke into applause and cheers after the Queen’s coffin passed them and circled round the Queen Victoria Memorial outside Buckingham Palace.

Members of the royal family, including the King, remained expressionless as they marched behind, while other members of the royal family, including the Princess of Wales, looked on at the crowds as they passed them in vehicles.

Once the coffin reached Buckingham Palace, members of staff at the palace bowed and curtsied both at the coffin and members of the royal family as they made their way past.


People gathered around the country to watch the Queen’s funeral.


The Queen’s coffin procession has reached Buckingham Palace, with members of the public lining The Mall breaking out into a round of applause as the State Gun Carriage moved past.

The King’s Guard turned out in the forecourt of the Palace to give a salute to the coffin at the Queen Victoria Monument.


Hundreds of colourful bouquets have brightened the base of Windsor Castle ahead of the procession of the Queen’s coffin through the Berkshire town.

Several mourners have been seen praying and quietly shedding a tear as they laid flowers for the late monarch.


The Ministry of Defence tweeted: “Thank you Ma’am.

“The Armed Forces are honouring their Commander-In-Chief today as part of the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

“Thousands of personnel have lined the streets and led The Queen’s coffin from Westminster Abbey.”


A “back-up” hearse has arrived at Hyde Park Barracks, in London, the headquarters of the Household Cavalry.

The vehicle will discreetly follow the hearse carrying the Queen’s coffin as it travels to Windsor after the funeral procession.


The head of the procession leading the Queen’s coffin through London has reached the Wellington Arch monument at Hyde Park Corner, where the coffin will be transferred on to the state hearse.

The mass of military bands and personnel slowly marched into the green space around the imposing monument.

According to English Heritage, the arch was an original entrance to Buckingham Palace, later becoming a victory arch commemorating the Duke of Wellington’s defeat of Napoleon.

The arch is topped by a large bronze sculpture, depicting the angel of peace descending on the four-horsed chariot of war.


The State Gun Carriage carries the Queen’s coffin after her funeral:


Mourners held a two-minute silence outside the doors of Westminster Abbey, where the Queen’s funeral was held, shortly before noon.


The Queen’s coffin has been borne through Horse Guards Parade, where Her Majesty presided over scores of Trooping the Colour ceremonies during her reign.

It has now has entered The Mall as the funeral procession continues towards Buckingham Palace.

The sombre scene is bathed in sunshine, with the accompanying music of the military bands punctuated by the chimes of Big Ben.


The crowd in Whitehall broke into a chorus of “hip, hip, hooray” and a round of applause as the procession drew past and people began to move on.


Young children sat on their parents’ shoulders to watch as the procession made its way along Constitution Hill.

Camera phones attached to selfie sticks were held up by some members of the crowd to capture the cortege when it passed.

Some mourners lining the barriers along the route clutched red roses as the sound of the military bands drew closer.


As the procession left Westminster Abbey for Wellington Arch, members of the royal family watched on.

The Queen Consort, the Duchess of Sussex, the Princess of Wales and the Countess of Wessex were seen looking sombre as the King and his siblings marched off.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte stood in front of their mother, with George looking directly at the coffin as it passed.

Meanwhile, the gun salutes being fired every minute from Hyde Park continue to punctuate a silent atmosphere at nearby Wellington Arch.

A handful of military figures are waiting by the monument for the arrival of the Queen’s funeral procession.


A member of the Gurkha regiment on Horse Guards Road appeared to be unwell during the Queen’s funeral ceremony.

The man collapsed and two soldiers brought over a stretcher, but he was able to continue after drinking a bottle of water.

The crowd cheered as he finished drinking and the stretcher was taken away.


Every head in the crowd turned as one, as the Queen’s coffin was carried through Whitehall and the historic surroundings, past the Cabinet War Rooms, past the Cenotaph and past Downing Street.

A sea of smartphones greeted the funeral procession as it arrived in Whitehall, with the crowd descending into silence as the coffin came past.

As the Queen’s funeral procession moved past the Cenotaph in London, the King, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal and the Earl of Wessex saluted the memorial to Britain and the Commonwealth soldiers killed in the First and Second World Wars.


The Duchess of Sussex was pictured leaving in a car following the Queen’s state funeral service at Westminster Abbey, as were the Princess of Wales and her oldest son, Prince George, and daughter Princess Charlotte.


Minute Guns are being fired in Hyde Park by The King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, as Big Ben tolls throughout the duration the procession.

Ex-Service Association standard bearers, mustered by the Royal British Legion, flanked the Cenotaph on Whitehall and saluted as the Queen’s coffin moved past.


Thousands of people have lined South Carriage Drive to watch the hearse carrying the Queen’s coffin.

It is the first road the hearse will drive down on its way to Windsor following the funeral procession.

In some places the crowds were 30 people deep.

Mourners were seen waving flags and carrying flowers.


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Horseguards Road are followed by the Gurkha regiment, dressed in a dark green, red and black uniform.

There was a hush from the crowd in Whitehall as the funeral procession moved past the Cabinet War Rooms, the Cenotaph and Downing Street.

Some emerged from balconies and windows, clad in black, while those on the street craned their necks and clutched cameras as they awaited the chance to say goodbye to the monarch.


The Queen’s coffin, followed by the King, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Sussex, Duke of York and the Princess Royal, has begun its procession towards Wellington Arch after it was placed back on to the State Gun Carriage.

The route is being lined by the armed forces from Westminster Abbey to the top of Constitution Hill at the Commonwealth Memorial Gates.

Mounties of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lead the procession followed immediately by representatives of the George Cross foundations from Malta, the former Royal Ulster Constabulary, and four representatives from the NHS.


The emotion of the occasion showed on the faces of the King and Queen Consort as they followed the Queen’s coffin from Westminster Abbey.

The Duke of York was seen to bow his head.

A card in the flowers on top of the coffin read simply: “In loving and devoted memory. Charles R.”


The royal family has tweeted a clip of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s sermon.


Members of staff at Buckingham Palace have lined up in front of the building to pay their respects to the Queen.

The procession is expect to pass by the palace shortly before 1pm on its journey to Windsor.

Chefs, butlers and police officers are among the staff standing in front of the Queen’s main residence.


Anne Cooper described the atmosphere at the Long Walk in Windsor as “calm” as thousands came together to pay their respects to the Queen.

Ms Cooper from Aylesbury was draped in a Union flag as she watched the late monarch’s funeral on big screens stationed along the pathway to Windsor Castle.

“She’s been the Queen all my life. I was a brownie and and a guide so we would make a promise to serve the Queen so she’s just a really big part of the country,” she said.

She added that the crowds have been “quite calm” and “really friendly” as they waited for the Queen to make her last journey along the Long Walk.


In Whitehall and Parliament Square, the funeral service moved some to tears.

As a crowd of thousands listened to the funeral, the proceedings from Westminster Abbey relayed by speakers above the street, some sang quietly along with the hymns.

As the funeral service began, the crowd around Parliament Square began to drift – some for a much-needed sit down, others to grab a quick sandwich or a bite to eat.

But slowly, many edged back towards Whitehall and to the best viewing points in Parliament Square to await the final procession of the Queen’s coffin through London and onwards to Windsor.

When the time came for the two-minute silence, not a sound could be heard the length of Whitehall as many in the crowd bowed their head or closed their eyes.

Even as the two-minutes elapsed, many remained hushed and quiet. It was not until the time came, a few moments later, to sing the national anthem that the crowd roused itself, applause breaking out across the length of Whitehall when it came to a close.


The King looked very emotional during the singing of the national anthem at Westminster Abbey.

Charles remained silent during the song, while his siblings and members of the royal family sang along.

Gripping his ceremonial sword, Charles looked downcast as he started straight ahead while a piper played Sleep, Dearie, Sleep.

Meanwhile, crowds who gathered in Hyde Park and Green Park in central London to listen to a broadcast of the funeral could be heard applauding after the national anthem was played.


Tears streamed down the faces of mourners among the crowds on Constitution Hill as the service drew to a close at Westminster Abbey.

Others began putting away iPads and tablets, which they used to watch the service and held up to allow those further back to watch, in anticipation for the passing of the cortege.

The street was lined with a half-company from the Royal Air Force standing alongside police officers.

As the national anthem was sung after the service, the clouds parted and the sun shone through the trees in Green Park.


A lone piper’s lament at Westminster Abbey has brought the service to an end.


Members of the crowd on the Long Walk sang along to the national anthem as it sounded from the big screens.

The lyrics God Save Our Gracious King rang out from the public as they stood still to pay their respects to the Queen.


State trumpeters from the Household Cavalry sounded the Last Post following the Archbishop of Canterbury’s commendation over the Queen’s coffin and a blessing pronounced by the Dean.

A two-minute silence in the Queen’s honour was then observed across the UK, followed by Reveille sounded by the trumpeters.

The national anthem is now being sung by the congregation at Westminster Abbey.


Redcar and Cleveland MP Jacob Young has tweeted a video from the Cenotaph alongside the words: “As love divine, all loves excelling echos around Whitehall.”


Here is the moment the Queen’s coffin arrived at Westminster Abbey shortly before 11am.


The King was seen reading silently from the order of service during the prayers while the Queen Consort, seated to his left, listened intently.


Prince George was reading the order of service during the Archbishop of Canterbury’s sermon, while Princess Charlotte was seen whispering to her mother.


The Queen’s coffin was carried into Westminster Abbey for her funeral shortly before 11am.


Groups of soldiers marched in units on Horseguards Parade and Horseguards Road.

They have now spaced themselves out in front of the crowd, lining the road and path.

The Queen’s funeral radio broadcast plays in the background.


In his sermon, the Archbishop of Canterbury told mourners the “grief” felt around the world over her death “arises from her abundant life and loving service”, adding: “She was joyful, present to so many, touching a multitude of lives.”

The Most Rev Justin Welby said: “People of loving service are rare in any walk of life. Leaders of loving service are still rarer. But in all cases those who serve will be loved and remembered when those who cling to power and privileges are forgotten. The grief of this day – felt not only by the late Queen’s family but all round the nation, Commonwealth and world – arises from her abundant life and loving service, now gone from us.”

He added: “We will all face the merciful judgement of God: we can all share the Queen’s hope which in life and death inspired her servant leadership. Service in life, hope in death. All who follow the Queen’s example, and inspiration of trust and faith in God, can with her say: ‘We will meet again.’”


The Archbishop of Canterbury has hailed the Queen’s “abundant life and loving service” as he delivers the sermon at her state funeral, adding: “She was joyful, present to so many, touching a multitude of lives.”


Princess Charlotte could be seen looking around from under the brim of her hat while the mourners sang The Lord’s My Shepherd.


The second hymn sung was The Lord’s My Shepherd, to the Crimond tune, originating from a parish in Aberdeenshire, not far from Balmoral Castle, where the Queen died.

The hymn was sung at the wedding of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh.

The young Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret summoned the Master of Choristers to Buckingham Palace in the lead up to the wedding and sang for him the particular descant, by William Baird Ross, that they wanted to be used.


Several people on social media noted the appearance of a spider on the Queen’s coffin as the ceremony takes place.

The creature was seen crawling across a piece of card placed on the coffin alongside the crown and a floral display.


The Prime Minister, Liz Truss, read the second lesson for mourners gathered in Westminster Abbey for the Queen’s funeral.

Taken from John 14, the lesson is one of comfort, evoking the promise of eternal life in Heaven.


Prince George was seen singing The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended as he stood between his parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales.


Prince George and Princess Charlotte walked in between their parents behind the Queen’s coffin as part of a solemn procession through Westminster Abbey.

Ahead of the service, the Princess of Wales could be seen holding Charlotte’s hand, and giving her a reassuring touch on the shoulder.

As the young royals walked behind their great grandmother’s coffin, Charlotte held her hands clasped in front of her while George had his arms by his side.



The Dean of Windsor has given the bidding ahead of the first hymn, The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended, written by John Ellerton and evoking the image of one day, one era, leading into another.

He told the congregation: “Here, where Queen Elizabeth was married and crowned, we gather from across the nation, from the Commonwealth, and from the nations of the world, to mourn our loss, to remember her long life of selfless service, and in sure confidence to commit her to the mercy of God our maker and redeemer.”

The bidding will be followed by Baroness Scotland, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, delivering the First Lesson in tribute to the Queen’s lifetime of dedication and service to the family of nations.

The lesson is taken from Corinthians 15 and includes the line: “O death, where is thy sting?”


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