The Ballad of The Underwater Daughter
3 months ago
20 Nov 2024
Unity Theatre
Somewhere out there, in the murky no-man’s-land between reality and “are you pulling my leg?” there’s a mechanical island inhabited entirely by dads. Bodged together out of mangled metal and broken dreams, dad island is a flawed coping mechanism that barely manages to hold itself together.
Then one stormy night, a tiny barnacle encrusted bottle floats into the harbour with a crumpled note inside which reads, “remember me?”
The Ballad of the Underwater Daughter is a strange sort of odyssey. A woozy universe of messy minds and monstrously
fishy metaphors. Overloaded with puppets, props and machines, it is unquestionably the latest production from Leeds’ own theOBJECTproject (the company that may or may not have traumatised you with PIXIEMATOSIS).