Watch as we find out about VOI Scooters taking over the streets of Liverpool
4 years ago
Voi e-scooters arrived in Liverpool back in October 2020, giving residents a green, flexible, accessible and social distancing way to travel around town. So far there have been over 120,000 rides in Liverpool, and over 300,000 km were travelled in the area.
We spoke to Sam Pooke from VOI’s Liverpool branch to find out how the scheme is working in the city.
To ride a Voi e-scooter users need to be 18 years old and have a provisional driving license that they will need to upload when they first register in the app. The Voi app is available for free in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
E-scooters are available to rent from 06:00 am to 00:00 am, and It costs £1 to unlock the scooter and then £0.20 per minute of usage. Voi also offers a wide variety of subscriptions, allowing users to take an unlimited number of rides at a fixed rate. The subscriptions can be purchased in the app.