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WATCH : Thousands show support for Pride in Liverpool 2022

3 years ago

Pride in Liverpool returned to the city this weekend for the first time since before the pandemic, painting the city rainbow as more than 12,000 people joined the annual “March with Pride” from St George’s Hall to the festival site at Pier Head.

The Barclays Main Stage provided a platform for headliners Boney M and a host of local talent from across the city region, including performances from​​ Trip Advisor’s Customers Choice No.1 LGBT venue in the UK, Linda Gold’s FunnyBoyz, scouse powerhouse vocalist, comedy hostess and distant relative of Cilla Black, Filla Crack, who will perform with previous Vogue Ball winners, House of La Porta, Young Homotopia and Many Hands, One Heart.

Some local LGBT+ venues, including OMG, The Lisbon and Superstar Boudoir also brought some of their best-loved performers and hosts to the stage, presenter, Jordan Lee and The Guide Liverpool’s Josh McDowell and Jay Hynd took to the stage throughout the day as well.

Donna Hall, Trustee for LCR Pride Foundation – the organisation responsible for delivering Pride in Liverpool  – said:

“It has been an extremely challenging few years leading up to today, but to finally be able to come together to celebrate Pride in Liverpool was a fantastic feeling. With the prejudice and injustice that the LGBT+ community in the UK is currently facing, with constant attacks on our rights, it’s as important as ever that we are able to be visible and stand together as a community, with our allies, to celebrate our identities and continue to fight to ensure that the Liverpool City Region and the country as a whole is a safe, welcoming place for LGBT+ people.”

To find out more about Pride in Liverpool and LCR Pride Foundation, visit:


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