World Kindness Day: 15 ways you can spread a little bit of kindness in Liverpool today
4 years ago

Yes, we are all supposed to be staying apart form each other right, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spread some kindness on World Kindness Day. In fact it’s more important than ever!
Social distancing is the new normal, so the ways we can show kindness towards others in our day-to-day lives aren’t always so obvious anymore.
But there are ways we can still rally together to boost the collective mood in our communities. Here are some safe ways to practice kindness on World Kindness Day (Nov 13)…
1. Volunteer for a phone call with an elderly person.
Age UK runs a fantastic ‘Telephone friendship service’ that partners volunteers with an elderly person for a friendly 30 minute natter each week. The Crisis Project is also calling for volunteers to write letters to elderly people living in care homes, who can’t have visitors call in to see them at the moment.
Visit Age UK Sefton & Liverpool here.
2. Don’t write the angry internet comment you’re thinking of writing
So often the thing that angers us most is a passive aggressive comment underneath a Facebook post. Be it under the comment section of a local newspaper or the local supermarket, bear in mind that your negative comments while they may help you vent, they only serve to increase the negative things that we already see on a daily basis.
3. Donate to food banks.
It’s often as easy as adding some extra items to your weekly shop and depositing them in a food bank donation box at your local supermarket. In Liverpool we have The Florrie’s Food Union, the Big Help Project, North Liverpool Food Bank and many more that need our support more than ever.
4. Order flowers for a friend.
Nothing will cheer up their day more than receiving a special bunch of blooms, just for being a great pal that’s always there for you.
Visit the FLOWERS page in our Liverpool Directory here.
5. Litter pick.
Picking up rubbish with your bare hands isn’t advised, but you can safely clean up your local area with a litter picker, some gloves and a bin bag. Check out Neighbourly who volunteer in the Baltic Triangle here.
6. Shop Local.
It’s more important than ever to support our local businesses, from restaurants, bars, taxi companies, salons and more. Check this A-Z of Liverpool Gifts put together by Eat Liverpool and visit our Liverpool Directory for over 1000 local businesses here.

Lunya Deli – shop local!
7. Hang up a bird feeder in your garden.
You’ll be amazed at the variety of birds that will visit it, especially during winter when their usual food is more scarce – not only will they get a delicious meal, but you’ll get to watch the wildlife from your window too.
8. Give blood. It only takes around 45 minutes but it could save somebody’s life.
Visit blood.co.uk to find your local donation point and arrange an appointment. They’re still open across the country, but there are some new checks and rules you’ll need to read before booking. Check out the Liverpool Blood Donor Centre’s website here.
9. Shop sustainably on Black Friday.
We spoke about shopping local but you can also go one step further. Put your money where your ethics are and choose to shop from sustainable brands that pay their workers fairly. Some ethical brands are even offering to donate a proportion of their Black Friday discount to their workers too, like Adelante Shoes and Lora GENE, so the people that make your discounted products get an extra thank you.
10. Compliment someone in your next Zoom meeting.
It could be the great way they handled a work project, or simply a nice outfit they’re wearing that day. Giving a genuine compliment is an amazing positivity boost – not just for the recipient, but for you too.
11. Do something kind for the people you live – or are bubbling – with.
You could do a bit of DIY around the house, order some cupcakes from Laura’s Little Bakery or an afternoon tea from Ms Danvers on LIDS that you can all enjoy together our simply make them a cup of tea in the morning, or give your home a deep clean so it’s a comforting place to spend time.

Laura’s Little bakery features on the site
12. Leave a nice comment on someone’s Instagram photo.
A few positive words and emojis could be the confidence boost they needed and it takes you 2 seconds!
13. Use the power of gratitude and positivity.
Try and move away from stressing out and moaning, and say more nice, positive things about yourself and the world around you. You’d be amazed at how great it can help make you feel.
14. Remind yourself that everyone is fighting their own battles.
The kindest thing you can do is emphasise with others, so many of us have our own struggles and pains that we view everyone else’s as irrelevant or insignificant. Some people have broader shoulders, some struggle more. We can all start to empathize with others and understand their struggles, even if they fade in comparison to your own.
15. Tweet compliment to 5 people who follow you on Twitter.
It doesn’t have to be a soppy over-dramatic post about how much you love that person even though you barely know them – Just compliment them on their opinion or just tell them that you are glad they are doing well. A nice tweet can really lift a mood.