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8 reasons why you should have your say on local nature

3 hours ago


8 reasons why you should have your say on local nature
Credit: Dave McAleavy

Nature is all around us – but it’s disappearing by the day!

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has come up with a strategy to turn the tide and help nature to thrive again – but we need you to do your bit too!

There’s still time to have your say on the new Local Nature Recovery Strategy that could help to improve and expand those gorgeous green spaces that mean the most to you. And here’s 8 reasons why you should…

You’ll miss it if it goes

We’ve all got that little place near us where we can go for a peaceful walk or kick a ball around with the kids, surrounded by plants and trees and amazing scenery. No one knows your local area better than you, so check out the Local Nature Recovery Strategy, the detailed map and have your say in the public consultation.

Put a stop to the scary stats

Did you know since the 1980s, Liverpool has lost 5% of its natural habitats and at least 70 endangered species are thought to have gone extinct locally. That means there’s loads of insects and wildlife that no longer have a home … and we need to do something about it.

And another thing

Liverpool’s lost 10% of its most biodiverse grasslands. If you think that doesn’t matter – have another think. Biodiversity is essential for all the processes that support life, including us. Without a wide range of animals, plants and microorganisms, we won’t have the healthy ecosystems we rely on for the air we breathe and the food we eat.

Ainsdale Pine Trees. Credit: Shutterstock
Ainsdale Pine Trees. Credit: Shutterstock

Protect the future 

Looking after the natural environment means creating a greener and more sustainable world not just for us, but for our kids and theirs. 

Nature is like your own Natural Health Service

Being close to nature is good for mental health and everyday experiences of it give us a massive boost. It can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension; improve our mood; reduce anxiety, depression and stress, and improve our concentration. That’s why it’s important those beauty spots and natural areas are around and about where we live so it’s easy to give ourselves a dose of the great outdoors to improve and maintain our wellbeing.

Children need nature

Young people especially have a natural affinity with nature: it encourages healthy development, supports their physical and mental health and instils the ability to assess risk as they grow, when they’re having fun and going ‘wild in the wild’. It’s known to even support learning and academic achievement. It can’t do that if it’s not there.

Make where you live look – and be – better

There are lots of places across Liverpool City Region that are being improved and brought back to nature, like Prenton Dell Claypit, a former industrial wasteland that’s being turned into a nature reserve. It’ll look loads better AND help nature to thrive – is there somewhere near you that could be helped to help like this?

So, it’s over to you … nature needs your help!

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has created a Local Nature Recovery Strategy and a map of projects and places where nature can be created, enhanced and restored – and who benefits from that? You do. Check it out, let them know what you think and make sure your favourite place is on it.

You’ve got until Sunday, April 6, to have your say – so don’t leave it too late: visit the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority website.

Find all the latest Liverpool news here.



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