Everton FC
Everton in the Community teams up with Active Flooring Solutions to spread Christmas cheer to hundreds
1 year ago

The leading commercial flooring contractor’s significant donation has enabled the charity to deliver a host of magical surprises to individuals and families across Merseyside who need it most this time of year, including helping to fund its Blue Base Grotto.
Everton in the Community has spread Christmas joy to hundreds of participants and local residents this festive period thanks to the generosity of Active Flooring Solutions.
Everton in the Community’s Blue Base will host 125 children for the day as part of its grotto activity, who are either participants from its programmes, referrals from local schools or Liverpool 4 residents. Local families who regularly visit the charity’s Blue Base Pantry have also been invited – which is a member-centred scheme that tackles financial hardship in North Liverpool by providing access to discounted food and other key wraparound services.

Active Flooring Solutions’ joyful gesture will cover festive food costs and presents for the grotto, at which the children and their families will come together to take part in Christmas crafts and party games whilst enjoying a hot meal. A special Blue Santa will also be on hand to sprinkle some extra Christmas magic and distribute a gift to each child during their visit, since many of the youngsters attending might have otherwise gone without presents this year.
Participants from the charity’s youth engagement programmes have also benefitted, with some of the money from the donation used to purchase 60 Love2shop vouchers for participants on the Premier League Kicks initiative to spend this festive season. In addition, a group of at-risk young people who have been referred onto the Kicks Targeted programme were able to enjoy a Christmas carvery as part of their festivities.
On top of that, the charity hosted two Christmas parties for those on Kicks and the 41 Goodison programme – which offers participants aged eight to 19-years-old the opportunity to make significant and lasting life changes. Kicks participants enjoyed an evening of festive fun and party food, whilst the young people on 41 Goodison indulged in a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings alongside their parents and guardians following the programme’s end-of-year celebration presentation.
Furthermore, participants on the charity’s ‘Dads’ Club’ – a programme dedicated to supporting like-minded fathers and their mental and physical wellbeing – were handed an Asda voucher each to spend on their families this Christmas. Parents and carers who attend Everton in the Community’s ‘Stay and Play’ sessions; a project which gives them a dedicated time and space to bond with their youngsters, are also set to receive 40 Christmas presents for their children and themselves.
What’s more, attendees of the charity’s ‘Stand Together’ sessions – for those 65 and over who are experiencing social isolation, have each received a box of luxury Christmas chocolates at the programme’s annual Christmas event. Members of Everton in the Community’s Blue Base Pantry were all gifted a sweet treat too, with around 170 families all taking home a box of festive family biscuits from their latest pantry visit.
Adam Howard, Senior Programme Manager at Everton in the Community, said:
“We’re extremely grateful for the support we’ve received from Active Flooring Solutions in the build-up to Christmas. Their donation has gone a long way to help fund lots of festive activities across a number of Everton in the Community’s programmes this year, which has helped to put a smile on the faces of many of the charity’s participants, including those who might have otherwise gone without.”
Lucy Keher, Director of Active Flooring Solutions, added:
“As a local business, we want to give back to our communities, especially during the festive season. We’re proud to work with Everton in the Community and its reputation for delivering life-changing programmes to those in need is unwavering. So, to be able to make a difference and provide many of its participants with a gift or to help fund an activity for them to take part in this Christmas is extremely important to us.”