Liverpool News
Lee Butler and Ant Russell support The Jade Roberts Project for Suicide Awareness Day
1 year ago

World Suicide Awareness Day is taking place this Sunday, 10 August.
This Suicide Awareness day, The Jade Roberts Project is hosting a 5 a side football tournament, at the Power League Kirkdale.
As well as football the day will have stalls from various agencies that support people across Merseyside in times of crisis and with other issues that may lead to suicidal tendencies, with family activities and food availability on the day.
The day is supported by Liverpool singer Anthony Russell and DJ lee Butler, who are supporting the day by offering tickets to raffle.
The day has three aims:
- To raise awareness of Suicide and agencies that can support people.
- To remember Jade Roberts and all other people that have lost their lives through suicide and their families and friends.
- To raise money for the project to continue the work we are doing right across Merseyside.

Tracey Roberts founded The Jade Roberts Project in honour of her daughter Jade took her own life age 26.
The organisation is based in Rocky Lane, Tuebrook Liverpool. They support adults who are in suicidal crisis and offer lifesaving interventions to keep people safe from suicide. They also have a counselling service with no waiting lists, and support families who have lost someone to suicide.
On September 10 each year, The project aims to focus on the issue of suicide, reducing stigma and raises awareness amongst organisations, government, and the public, giving a message that suicides are preventable.
Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country, but suicides among teenage girls and young women have almost doubled in recent years. The 2021 – 2023 theme for world suicide prevention day as set by the international association for suicide prevention is creating HOPE though ACTION.
Tracey Roberts, founder of The Jade Roberts Project, said:
“Our message at The Jade Roberts Project is clear- were asking you to help us create HOPE through Action, by reflecting on how you can support someone in your life who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or at risk of suicide.
“Suicide does not discriminate it does not matter of old you are, your gender or class. You can have all the money in the world and that will not stop you going into crisis. Suicide prevention is everyone’s business.”
Tracey added:
“Jade had anxiety and depression for many years and was never referred to a mental health service.
“Jade was beautiful inside and out. She constantly worried about other people and their problems. Her family truly believe that this was Jades way of hiding how she was really feeling.
“Jade was caring, considerate and had the most beautiful smile.
“We truly believe that suicide is preventable.
“All the team at the project are trained in the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). This training is suicide first aid. The more people trained in the ASIST the more lives can be saved to suicide.
“At the project we provide lifesaving interventions to keep people safe from suicide. The project is primarily voluntary run and relies on donations and volunteers.”