Liverpool encouraged to take part in ‘acts of kindness’ to celebrate Mandela Day
8 months ago

A local charity ‘ Mandela8’ has joined forces with Liverpool BID Company to encourage organisations and individuals to take part in ‘acts of kindness’ to commemorate the life and work of Nelson Mandela this July.
Mandela8, who have just overseen the completion of a new memorial to the revered leader in Princes Park, will once again mark Mandela Day on 18th July with a series of events and activities in the city. The theme this year is ‘Celebrating Communities’.
The day remembers Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights, peace, and reconciliation.
Sonia Bassey, Chair of Mandela8, said:
“Nelson Mandela inspired the idea for Mandela Day at his 90th birthday celebrations in Hyde Park, London when he said ‘It is time for new hands to lift the baton. It is in your hands now’. The idea of Mandela Day is that everyone has the ability to make an impact and do something in their own way to change the world and the world of those around them.”
The city has its own special relationship and connection with Nelson Mandela. When Liverpool became aware of Apartheid and Nelson Mandela’s incarceration, community activists, unions and the city as a whole came together to support the Free Nelson Mandela Campaign and took a solid stance against Apartheid.
Nelson Mandela was gifted the Freedom of the City in 1994 and a Civic Reception held in his honour 20 years later in 2014.
Sonia continued:
“Liverpool is built on strong political and social values and has experienced oppression but not on the scale of South Africa. So, when awareness of the brutality of Apartheid in South Africa became known in Liverpool the City united to support Mandela, the ANC and South African people. We now have the permanent legacy to Nelson Mandela, the Memorial installed in Princes Park, Liverpool 8, endorsed by Dr Maki Mandela and Tukwini Mandela, his eldest daughter and granddaughter, with whom Liverpool now has a special relationship.”

As part of the Acts of Kindness week this year Mandela8 and Liverpool BID Company are asking corporate organisations to take part in Mandela Day, as part of Mandela Week, to do an act of kindness to commemorate Nelson Mandela, acknowledging his values and dedication to the service of humanity and struggle for international democracy and peace throughout the world.
Those taking part are encouraged to promote and celebrate their work in advance and on the day through social media by linking it to the international social media campaign for Mandela Day using the following hashtag: #AoKcelebratingcommunities and tagging us @mandela800 @mandela8_liverpool @LpoolBIDcompany
The Corporate Giving Programme Ask
Madela8 are looking for 1 company a month to sign up to supporting a voluntary or community group with their skills, experience or time to support an area of need identified. The types of activities you can support can be found in their Acts of Kindness brochure.
How this will work:
- Nominate your organisation outlining you offer, and the month you are wishing to do this by emailing mandela8@outlook.com.
- Once all organisations are signed up over the 10 month period the programme will be promoted across the community voluntary sector indicating the types of support on offer, asking groups to sign up to the programme to get support
- Your organisation will be matched to a group in need of support to enable you to fulfil your act of kindness.
- You can then discuss the detail, undertake internal risk assessments and arrange for your act of kindness to take place during the month you offered.
- Promote your activity using the hashtags.