Food & Drink
Liverpool restaurants raise £1.1 million for Action Against Hunger
7 years ago

Liverpool restaurants, including Maray, The Art School, Fazenda, Lunya, Hope Street Hotel, Hanover Street Social and Viva Brazil, have helped Action Against Hunger to raise an astonishing £1.1 million in the international NGO’s biggest campaign to date.
Action Against Hunger joined forces with top restaurants in Liverpool and other UK cities, in October last year, calling on diners to raise funds to help children to survive life-threatening malnutrition.
Rhiain Jones, Communications & Marketing Manager, at Maray, one of Action Against Hunger’s top fundraisers said “Our involvement with Love Food Give Food has been one of our proudest moments of last year. We were staggered by the amount we raised and eternally grateful to our wonderful guests for donating. We will definitely take part again next year!”
Hundreds of restaurants supported the charity by giving customers the opportunity to add a small donation to their bill or by offering certain dishes where a percentage of the cost went to Action Against Hunger’s Love Food Give Food campaign, which this year was part of their Healthy Mums Healthy Kids appeal.
Every penny raised by the British public in the appeal, which included funds from community fundraising events, such as Auction Against Hunger, Taste of London and those with corporate partners, will be matched by UK aid, from the Department for International Development. The UK aid matched funding will fund a project in Matam, a province in north-eastern Senegal, where the charity supports young mothers to get vital support and nourishment they need through pregnancy and beyond.”
Secretary of State for International Development, Penny Mordaunt said: “I would like to thank the generous people of Liverpool for supporting Action Against Hunger’s appeal to support young mothers in Matam, Senegal.
“The UK Government will match every penny you helped raise, doubling the sum the new mothers will receive. This means we can ensure they are healthy and nourished during pregnancy and their children have the best start in life.”
Matthew White, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Action Against Hunger, said: “This is an incredible achievement. I’d like to thank everyone who has been involved in our Healthy Mums Healthy Kids Appeal. Malnutrition rates amongst children are far above emergency thresholds in Matam. We hope the project targeting young mothers can help to eradicate life-threatening malnutrition from the area.”